
A few complaints/suggestions

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    First I'd like to say that Notepad++ is a great program and I use it every day. Now to the subject:
       When Notepad++ is run from Total Commander (by F4), the displayed opened file path (and also the file name in the
       tab) is in a 8.3 format:

           Notepad++ - c:\PROGRA~1\NOTEPA~1\CONTEX~1.XML

       I guess that's what TC gives the program as an argument. Using the GetLongPathName() function should help.
       Syntax highlight doesn't seem to automatically set according to a file contents and because sometimes I don't have
       a hand on my mouse, key short-cuts for syntax highlighting would be welcome.

       CTRL+SHIFT+X -> XML highlighting
       Another nice thing to have would be assigning given file extensions certain syntax highliting.
       .config -> XML highlighting
       The shortcut mapper doesn't display correctly some characters in my language (Czech - CP1250).
       Does it use unicode ?

    That's all. I hope I didn't sound too rude, I just want this program to be perfect.
    And if any of that was already mentioned/solved or is already in a TODO list, sorry for bothering you.

    Greetz Kbq

    • kbq

      kbq - 2008-05-22

      I'm bumping the a) problem again.
      It can be easily fixed just by applying the mentioned GetLongPathName() on the window title, please fix it.