
How to change language used inside <% %>

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    How do I change the language used inside <% %>. For example, when language is set to HTML, it will default to using ASP inside <% %>. I wanted to change the default to use SQL.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I also have this problem.

      Anybody find a solution?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Notepad presents erratic behaviour here because it uses ASP syntax inside <% %> when set to html language but uses VB keywords.

      How can we know what language is being used inside <% %> when set to html language?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks to all you assholes who replied. I figured it out myself.

      I had to alter scintilla source code (lexhtml.cxx) recompile using mingw and then place the newly created .dll file on my notepad directory.

      Great forum, thanks.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Echoes of another thread... what if we don't have a handy dandy C compiler or want to go to all that effort (maybe have other work to do, not sit and download half of SourceForge, fight 20 packages and figure a path through the minefield). I would like to take a feature from VIM (VI editor by Braam Moolenaar) and have 'TODO' highlight if its seen inside of a comment - across all languages / file formats. So this I expect would be in the styler.xml file.  Is there any (non-archaic) documentation on editing this file anywhere? Particularly an explanation of how the styleID works and how to add one's own.