
New Explorer 1.5 available!!!

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2007-08-11

    Hello Notepad++ user,

    I improved the Explorer a little bit and did some fixes. Some new features are available. I think you will love them.

    07/08/11  v1.5 :
        Fix: Cut/Copy of elements in Favorites caused crash
        Fix: On typing file names in list, the element has now the correct focus
        Fix: Remove owner drawn header in file list for better OS style support
        Fix: Shell icons works now on every OS correctly. Own icons not added anymore
             to system image list.
        New: Next and previous folder button supports drop down history
        New: On "Folder of Current File" the file is now focused
        New: File list partial owner drawn
             - parent icon is manually blitted
             - opened files now marked with an underline
             - If "Ext. attached to Name" is enabled, extension sort is now possible
        Change: Now using NPPM_GETPLUGINSCONFIGDIR to get *.ini file location
        Change: Support of new Notepad message notifications
        Change: Reorder of toolbar icons in Favorites dialog

    Have fun

    • jive

      jive - 2007-08-11

      Fantastic improvements Jens! There is a bug: os: windows xp home, athlon 3400 - all of the items text in the explorer becomes bold and sometime pixelated off and on....

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I also see this visual glitch, on WinXP SP2, themes service is disabled, all standard fonts. It looks as though the folder name has been drawn two or three times, but offset by a fraction of a pixel, so the kerning goes crazy.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Hi, do you use another standard font? Did you changed the style of your XP?

        Best Regards

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          I got this font problems too!
          I don't use another standard font.
          And I use Royale theme on my Windows XP (this:\)

          • Jens Lorenz

            Jens Lorenz - 2007-08-12

            Installed the theme, but no problems. Sorry!

      • steakhacher

        steakhacher - 2007-08-15

        I have got the same problem bahvior on windows vista, some names become bold. After a refresh I click on a filename and all become bold and after when I click on file name, the selected filename become normal.
        On windows vista, the redraw seems to be slow even if my vista PC is powerful, it should be a problem because other plugin like ligth explorer have not this problem. 

        Neverthelsee thank you for your job

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          I don't know exactly what does it mean - performace...
          Does it mean, the tree is updated very slow or the files list?

          If you mean only the file list, this is normal. I added a timeout for updateing the file list. What does it mean:
          If you click on a folder and you change within a second to another folder, because this wasn't the correct onw, there is no update within this time.

          Does you mean this performance?

          Best Regards

          • steakhacher

            steakhacher - 2007-08-16


            That it means that you have time to see the horizontal refresh of the file list I am not dealing with timeout. On Vista PC I am able to say when you redraw the window when under XP it seems to be immediate.

    • steakhacher

      steakhacher - 2007-08-11

      First a would like to thank you for this wonderful plugin and more again for this new plugin version.

      Nevertheless it seems that you have not corrected bug that I have related with notepad++ 4.2 RC with find in file. Indeed if you make find in files from explorer plugin the directory is not feeled with appropriate path. I repost that it to be sure that you are knowing the problem.

      Another thing, I have seen that file that you open with explorer plugin are underline so I think it is an excellent idea, nevertheless, when you close its from notepad++ they are not un-underline I am not sure that it is really a problem, rhe best behavior could be that files  wich has been open and close are for example in a soft grey, and file already open are underline. But I thinks it already very good.

      An other improvement could be on the filter, it could be great if there was no need to type enter to execute the filter, like in your function list. I think too that it could be interesting that when typing somethings for exemple "test" in filter, in the same way that if you are finding with *test*

      Other things, I am a fan of the find in files results displaying at the bottom of np++, do you thing that you can add a function in rigth clik on a file to be able to automatic fill the find in files dialog box, with Filter: name of file, Directory: path of file.

      Even if I have made lots of little remarks, I would like to resay that your making wonderful job, and that your explorer plugin is one of the reason why I use notepad++ everyday.

      Thanks a lot

      • Nobody/Anonymous


        1. The find in files 4.2 RC bug:
        It is a bug in Notepad++. Don fixed it and it commes with final version.

        2. Underline bug: I fixed it. There was a redraw missing. Thanx for report.

        3. Regarding the type of filter: I will think about it.

        4. Directory is filled and name/extension will be also automatic filled with new version of Notepad++.

        Best Regards

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you Jens for this improvement. As a Win2K user the use of proper OS icons makes it so much easier to use.

      However, (you knew that was coming, didn't you?) if Favourites is on top and NPP starts up two of the Folder icons are shown as green Up arrows (arrow starts at right and bends up 90 degrees) and those that have my own icons (ico file in a subfolder of My Documents and set in the desktop.ini file for that folder) are blank. A subsequent window refresh draws them in, so if another window covers NPP and NPP then comes on top, the icons are OK. Going to the Explorer tab and coming back to Favourites also redraws the icons correctly.

      Selecting any File in Favourites changes the icon to a hand icon (blue sleeve hand coming in from left), the sort that sits under a drive icon in shared networked drives. Opened Favourite Files are not underlined.

      Explorer tab works as advertised but I've had 2 crashes so far "The instruction at 0x00f8db25 referenced memory at 0x00fca0a0. The memory could not be read".

      If I click OK to terminate I get "The instruction at 0x00426050 referenced memory at 0x000007f4. The memory could not be read".

      I can repeat this every time. I open a file from Explorer tab. It is underlined. I change focus to another program and then when I click back on NPP it crashes.

      Hope this helps Jens. Your efforts are much appreciated.

      Mark B

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Please tell me, what is your OS. I can't reproduce the crash! Does the crash also happens when you switch into a folder with in notepad opened files?

        Best Regards

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Th icon redraw issues are real though :-)


          • Nobody/Anonymous

            So do you mean you have still problems with the shell icons?

            Best Regards

            • Nobody/Anonymous

              Yes. Most OS icons are OK now but not all.

              If Favorites is on top (as opposed to the Explorer or Light Explorer tab) when NPP starts up two of the Folder icons in Favorites [Folders] section are consistently shown as green Up arrows (arrow starts at right and bends up 90 degrees). There are two other folders which have my own icons (ico file in a subfolder of My Documents and set in the desktop.ini file for that folder). These are blank - nothing shows for the icon. However, a window refresh draws them in, so if another window covers NPP and NPP then comes on top, the icons are drawn correctly. If another window or dialog covers part of NPP so that two of the incorrect icons are covered and then exposed, the window redraw only redraws thos two icons (as you would expect).
              Going to the Explorer or Light Explorer tab and coming back to Favourites also redraws the icons correctly.

              Also, sSelecting any File in Favorites [Files] section changes the icon to a hand icon (blue sleeve hand coming in from left), the sort that sits under a drive icon in shared networked drives. Opened Favourite Files are not underlined.

              LightExplorer doesn't have these redraw problems and shows the correct icons first time, especially those folder that have my own icons.

              Perhaps the Favorites tab isn't given enough time to get the icons before the first redraw and so requires a second redraw to get them?

              Hope this helps.


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          I mentioned I was a Win2K user :-))

          I've tried to repeat this today and it won't crash. Tried all sorts of things - nothing.
          It was entirely repeatable yesterday and today all is OK. So, unless it happens again, and I'll report it if it does, then it must have been something else on my system interfering in some way - who knows!

          Sorry for the worry :-)

          Mark B

    • jive

      jive - 2007-08-13

      Jens, I am using the milk theme. But I have been using this for a few years now...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Now if only there were a panel that only listed your open files.