
Changing "Run" menu

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I added a new item to the Run menu.
    I now want to edit/delete those settings I added.
    How can I do this?

    • MJG

      MJG - 2007-05-27

      If you have added to the Run menu during the Notepad++ session, close Notepad++ and re-open it.

      Open shortcuts.xml in Notepad++.  First look for it in your %APPDATA%\Notepad++ directory.  Only if it is not there, look in your Notepad++ installation directory.  I strongly recommend making a backup of the file first, before changing it.

      (If you have configured Notepad++ to be the default program to open XML files, you can simply double-click shortcuts.xml in Windows Explorer.)

      The <UserDefinedCommands> section holds the Run menu commands.  The <Macros> section has the macros.  I think the key codes for alphabetic characters is their ASCII decimal equivalents (A-Z is 65-90).  You can open an ASCII chart in a separate tab by creating a new document and selecting "TextFX > TextFX Tools > Insert ASCII Chart or Character".

      To delete a command, find the corresponding text, then remove the entire line that starts with " <Command name=" followed by your text and ending with "</Command>".  It likely wraps if you have Word Wrap turned on.

      You will have to save the file and close/re-open Notepad++ for the changes to be effective.  --Joel

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks very much
      Clear, and accurate instructions
      Greatly appreciated

      - original poster

    • Craig

      Craig - 2007-05-30

      No that's not the case here. I see the shortcuts.xml file but it's 3 months old. I just made a change to Run and the Command tag does not show up. Even if I add a command it doesn't show up under the Run menu. Where else would another shortcuts.xml be? I checked in MyDocuments and the registry. No luck.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Did you check in %APPDATA%\Notepad++ or in Notepad++ install directory?  --Joel