
New supported languages in FunctionListPlugin

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2005-11-08

    Hello Function List Plugin Users!

    I need some help! Everybody that have examples the following languages could send me this and I will implement it in the next version as fastest as I can.

    TCL, Assembler, Ruby, Lisp, Scheme, Properties, Diff, Smalltalk, Postscript, VHDL

    For the next version that is comming up with Don's Notepad 3.3 there is a docking feature implented!

    Best Regards
    Jens Lorenz

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Thanks for TCL support, thats great. I'm using Incr TCL also. Are you planning to add support to Incr TCL?

      Would some one please do it?



    • Nobody/Anonymous


      is Incr TCL recogniced by Notepad++? If not, there is no possibility at the moment.
      BTW: Is there a big difference between the languages or is Incr TCL only a kind of an extension?

      Best Regards

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry I tried to get ruby rules working, but I couldn't figure out the regex engine, apparently.

      they're very simple:

      def function_name(parenthesis, optional)

      All names are [a-z0-9_]

      other block openers are begin, loop, while, do, if, case, and some others that I can't think of...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      CSS please?

      When is the next version coming out? I wrote my own CSS rules for this plugin, but have no way to save it, so that it loads every time a open a css file.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      javascript please. Komodo IDE handles Javascript function list very nicely, even recognizing objects within functions. Only prob is that komodo is very SLOW.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2005-11-09

      > For the next version that is comming up with Don's Notepad 3.3 there is a docking feature implented!

      And I comfirm you it works perfectly !!!
