
Crashes with 4.1.1

  • Sim Harbert

    Sim Harbert - 2007-05-18

    I have been a happy user of Notepad++ 3.9 for quite a while now.  I just the other day decided there might be a new update, so I downloaded 4.1.1.  With the new version it has crashed almost every time I run it.  Some of the crashes have occurred when saving a file!  Not a good time to crash.

    Is there some trick to installing the new version?  Do I have a DLL lodged in the wrong place or something?  I have tried uninstalling and wiping away the "Program Files/Notepad++" folder and uninstalling and rebooting, etc.

    I am running on Windows XP with all the latest MS updates.  I have Aspell-0.50-3 installed.  Not sure what other info might be pertinent.


    • Michael

      Michael - 2007-05-22

      I just wanted to add to what others said that removing the hex editor plugin fixes it.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-05-22

        Which file did you remove exactly?
        HexEditorPlugin.dll or HexEditor.dll ?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same here... just upgraded from 3.9 to 4.1... and it crashes every time I try to open it.  Tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times... no luck.  Running WinXP Pro SP2 with all the MS recommended updates. 
      Thnx -C.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-05-18

        I did a clean install of v3.9 with Notepad++ v3.9 installer.
        Then I use Notepad++ v4.1.1 installer to override the v3.9 installation.

        For me, there's no crash.

        Could you send your xml files in %AppData%\Notepad++ to :



    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2007-05-18

      Rename plugins folder in Notepad++ installed directory to make sure the crash comes from Notepad++.

      Is anyone in here has the same problem?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i can confirm the issue. upgraded from 3.9 to 4.1 and it crashes everytime i doubleclick on a file of an associated file type.
      HOWEVER renaming the plugins directory fixed the issue.
      now for the part where i find the responsible plugin...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      so... personally, i found hexeditor to be the source of my troubles.

    • Clarke Wixon

      Clarke Wixon - 2007-05-18

      For me it's HexEditorPlugin.dll.  If that's present, the program crashes.  If it's not available, the program is stable.

      Like one of the posters above I upgraded from 3.9 to 4.1.1.  If I start N++ from its Start Menu entry it doesn't crash, but if I use the Explorer context menu entry to open and edit a file, it crashes every time until I get rid of that plugin dll.

      Hope this helps.

    • Clarke Wixon

      Clarke Wixon - 2007-05-18

      Er, in other words, exactly what Nobody said.

    • Anthony Nelson

      Anthony Nelson - 2007-05-18

      I had the same issue and, coincidentally, had 3.9 as well. I had used 3.9 very little and made no additions to it so I would assume the HexEditorPlugin is a notepad++ file. Are there any drawbacks to removing it?

      I had 3.5 (I think) on another machine and that one worked fine upgrading to 4.1.1.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      A new version of both plugins will come out at this weekend for testing if crash problems are solved. One plugin is here available.

      Let me know if there are still the same or other problems.

      Best Regards