
Disable Clickable URLs

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    In NPP 4.1 clickable URLs were introcuded.  How can I disable this?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes! I want to disable it also.
      I think it should be an option, but not compulsory.

      • DooGie

        DooGie - 2007-05-05

        This is a feature I'd love as well. In some instances clickable urls are a godsend but in others they can be a major annoyance.
        I'm sure that there is quite an easy way to enable or disable this feature as required, just not found it yet lol.

        • Pravin Paratey

          Pravin Paratey - 2007-05-25

          I'm also looking for this! Short of re-compiling Notepad++ is there an easy fix? Perhaps, I should go through the code.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeh, I can't find how to disable them either. They are really annoying.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same here... Love npp but this is really annoying, that i cant disable this feature.

    • MJG

      MJG - 2007-05-25

      In Notepad++ version 4.1.2 clickable URLs are disabled by default, I believe.  There is a checkbox called "Enable" in the Clickable Link Setting groupbox on the MISC tab of the Preferences dialog to turn it on if it is desired.  --Joel

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Great Program, nice update! Clickable URLs may be a nice feature, but for me it's annoying too 'cause it makes editing links harder. Please make this an option