
SQL Error creating reports

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I get the following message when I try and run my reports:

    SQL error:

    ERROR:  relation "<REPORT NAME>" does not exist

    In statement:
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (SELECT "oid", * FROM "<REPORT NAME>") AS sub

    If I run the report sql manually in psql I get no error messages at all, some of my  reports work, some of them do not.

    I am using V 4.1.1 against postgres 8.1.

    I have been playing around with permissions.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Finally solved the problem.  I am using suhosin hardening patch and my complex reports are based on some long sql queries.  My 'gets' were being limited to 512 characters, so once I increased this limit for suhosin, everything worked fine.


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