
Vista cant connect to AIM

  • Michael

    Michael - 2007-03-28

    Hiya, Ive just given gaim a try today for the first time because trillian hasnt been working. I assumed it has something to do with vista, but now gaim isnt working as well. When I try to connect it just says 'Available - Connecting' for a very long time and eventually gives me an error message with:

    -------- disconnected

    Lost connection with server:
    Windows socket error #10053

    I thought this might have something to do with the Norton Firewall, but I tried turning that off. It seems odd to me that I cant get on with either Trillian or Gaim (btw, I can connect with the AIM Vista Client Beta, but dont make me use that!)

    Any ideas?

    Vista Ultimate x64
    Gaim 2.0.0beta 6

    Thanks so much

    • Etan Reisner

      Etan Reisner - 2007-03-28

      That Windows error tends to be a firewall issue, and unfortunately most of the Windows firewall software tends to be broken in that it doesn't honor its own settings much of the time. The Wingaim FAQ has a section on specifically how to configure Norton because it has this problem, furthermore actually disabling Windows firewalls can be complicated because hitting 'Disable' doesn't always do it. Have you tried entirely disabling Norton, setting it not to start with Windows, and then restarting and trying again? That might work, alternatively you could try the settings in the Wingaim FAQ, and finally you could try uninstalling Norton entirely.

    • Michael

      Michael - 2007-03-28

      I agree it seems like a firewall thing, but I can connect to Jabber (gmail) through gaim and AOL AIM was working. I did try disabling Norton and good.

    • Michael

      Michael - 2007-03-28

      In fact, just to be sure, I've uninstalled Norton (and Windows Firewall is off), but still not working?!

    • Michael

      Michael - 2007-03-28

      In an effort to be thorough, heres some log action:

      dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
      autorecon: done calling gaim_account_connect
      dnsquery: IP resolved for
      proxy: Attempting connection to
      proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
      proxy: Connection in progress
      proxy: Connected.
      oscar: connected to FLAP server of type 0x0017
      oscar: Screen name sent, waiting for response
      oscar: inside auth_resp (Screen name: ********)
      oscar: Reg status: 3
      oscar: E-mail: *************
      oscar: BOSIP:
      oscar: Closing auth connection...
      oscar: Scheduling destruction of FLAP connection of type 0x0017
      dnsquery: Performing DNS lookup for
      oscar: Destroying oscar connection of type 0x0017
      dnsquery: IP resolved for
      proxy: Attempting connection to
      proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
      proxy: Connection in progress
      proxy: Connected.
      oscar: connected to FLAP server of type 0x0002
      oscar: MOTD: Unknown (5)
      oscar: FLAP connection of type 0x0002 is now fully connected
      oscar: ssi: requesting rights and list
      ******A couple minutes later...*******
      oscar: Scheduling destruction of FLAP connection of type 0x0002
      oscar: Destroying oscar connection of type 0x0002
      account: Disconnecting account 02662E78
      connection: Disconnecting connection 04568818
      oscar: Signed off.
      connection: Destroying connection 04568818
      ***********and repeat.***********

      Also, I did a traceroute to the IPs listed above and the all go through fine....ARGH! What the heck is going on?!

      Thanks again

    • Michael

      Michael - 2007-04-02

      no ideas?

      • Michael

        Michael - 2007-04-05

        So I've now discovered I cant connect to MSN either. Tried Trillian, Miranda, Windows Live Messenger, AOL AIM and Gaim. The only one that connects is the AOL client (I can connect to Jabber in all clients tho, but not AIM or MSN). Can anyone offer any ideas?

        • Etan Reisner

          Etan Reisner - 2007-04-06

          Having disabled and uninstalled Norton, and having disabled Windows Firewall (and not having any other firewall software running) you still can't connect and you are still getting the #10060/#10053 error? Do you have antivirus software running (I don't know that this can interfere but you never know)?

          • Michael

            Michael - 2007-04-11

            So last friday, for absolutely no apparent reason Trillian worked. I got onto AIM, MSN, Jabber and Rendezvous and all was right in the world.

            Ever since then, I havent been able to get on anything (not even Jabber/Rendezvous that was working before)---WAIT A SECOND...

            As I was sitting here writing this post it suddenly worked, only AIM though. Ha ha, this is nuts...

            [05:22] *** Creating connection "USERNAME"
            [05:24] *** Lost connection to network (Error Code: 10053).
            [05:25] *** Reconnecting to AIM as "USERNAME".
            [05:25] *** Will attempt 10 connections with 60 second intervals.
            [05:25] *** Connecting to AIM as "USERNAME", attempt #1.
            [05:27] *** Lost connection to network (Error Code: 10053).
            [05:27] *** Reconnecting to AIM as "USERNAME".
            [05:27] *** Will attempt 10 connections with 60 second intervals.
            [05:27] *** Connecting to AIM as "USERNAME", attempt #1.
            [05:27] *** You have successfully connected to AOL Instant Messenger.

            Yeah, uh, WTF?

    • Michael

      Michael - 2007-04-13

      In case anyone ever comes here with a similar issue. I've resolved it with a driver update. Though not supplied by ASUS (my mobo maker) I got the Vista x64 nVIDIA Networking Controller drivers from nVIDIA:

      Of course, I still really have no idea what the problem was, but it is a PC after all! I think I remember why I use a Mac at home.