
Open using a user defined language

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Please could someone advise if there is any way to open notepad++ using a user defined language as the default.  I can see that the command line argument -l will open some pre-defined languages, but cannot find any method to do what I want.
    Thank you in advance.

    • MJG

      MJG - 2007-03-30

      Again: Try specifying "User defined" in the dropdown menu for Default Language on the New Document tab of the Preferences dialog.  Yes, I know you have UDL defined.  As I mentioned, I have Bang defined, but by selecting "User defined", I got the Bang definition. <shrug>

      This may not work for you, but it does for my limited user-defined language.  No, it's not intuitive, and the next release might break this, even if it does work for you.  --Joel

    • MJG

      MJG - 2007-03-29

      I'm not sure this would work for you, but you can select "User Defined" in the dropdown menu for Default Language on the New Document tab of the Preferences dialog.  --Joel

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks Joel - but unfortunately this does not work.  Is it possible to change the shipped xml files to incorporate the user defined items?  The only problem with this is that it would need to be re-done with every nre release I suppose!

    • MJG

      MJG - 2007-03-29

      Did you define a user-defined language?  I defined one that I called Bang to test putting exclamation points in as comment markers at the beginning of marked lines.  That means I have both "Bang" and "User defined" below the separator under the Language menu.

      When I have "User defined" selected in that dropdown menu mentioned above, it gives me the ctrl-q comment/uncomment for the Bang definition.  I don't know why, but that part seems to be working, at least in that way.

      In answer to your question, I think it is possible to change the files if you know what is going on.  --Joel

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Joel - I did define a user-defined language (UDL) and indeed it duly appears below the separator under the language menu.  What I want to do is to use this language as the default when I open a file.  Unfortunately the file that I wish to open does not have any extension with which to associate my UDL.  So I want to use my UDL as the default selection when I open notepad++.