
searchInFiles and lightExplorer plug-ins

  • Jose J Sanjosé

    Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-03-15


    two new plug-ins for Notepad++ 4.x have just been publish: searchInFiles and lightExplorer.

    SearchInFiles scans files for a string, allowing you to keep different searches in different tabs. If you are like me, you are not interested in searching jpg, mp3, png or so files: SearchInFiles allows you to configure what files extensions should not be searched. To activate it use ALT+Q and ALT+Z to show / hide the dockable pane.

    LightExplorer is a dockable file tree that allows you to keep favorites folders, and is able to show you your network neighborhood. You can specify too, what file extension files should be opened by Notepad++ and which ones should be handed over to the OS when you select them. I tried to make it fast, specially when opening the network neighborhood. To show / hide it use ALT+A and ESC or TAB to give focus back to Notepad++.

    If someone has bugs, suggestions or questions, can post them here, or reach me at

    Thanks, let's make notepad++ a big project.

    Jose J Sanjosé

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2007-03-15

      Hi Jose,

      Regarding SearchInFiles:
      there are flickering on open of search dialog. In addition the list hides each time.
      What do you think about an open call to transfer the current selected folder in your/my explorer? E.g. I click on "Find in Files" in explorer and the user has the choise of which one "Find in Files"/"Search in Files" are now opened?

      BTW: You are invited to host your project on

      Best Regards and nice tools

    • Jose J Sanjosé

      Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-03-15

      Thank you for your email.

      1.- there are flickering on open of search dialog
          Yes, flickering in the list control of the dockable window is something was left out of the first release and is at the top of the list for next release.

      2.- In addition the list hides each time.

          This behavior is intentional. The idea is that you make a search and when it reaches 100% the modal dialog disappears so that you can navigate the results using the F4 key. Do you think the modal dialog should stay open? Maybe I could offer that behavior as an option.

      3.- What do you think about an open call to transfer the ...

          I think is a great idea, and it shouldn't be difficult to implement. Looking at the code (tell me if I am right), I should declare a handler for a user defined windows message at the 'messageProc' method defined at the same file where the 'DllMain' procedure is implemented, right?

      4.- You are invited to host your project

          I would love to. What do I have to do? Both plug-ins can be found at:

 (searchInFiles sources)
 (searchInFiles plug-in)
 (lightExplorer sources)
 (lightExplorer plug-in)

      Best regards,

      • Jens Lorenz

        Jens Lorenz - 2007-03-16

        I will contact you via mail.


    • Lepa71

      Lepa71 - 2007-03-15


      I don't know if you were thinking about it, but it would nice to have a global search and replase in SearchInFiles


      • Jose J Sanjosé

        Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-03-19

        Yes is a good idea I am thinking about.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Jose:

        Thank for the plug-ins. Belows are my suggestions:

      a) The search in files shall be part of the notepad++. It is cool.
      b) Different tabs to store results of different searches
      c) If user has highlighted a word (or words) in the active window, typing Alt-Q (or another key), the search dialog shall use the word (words) to find. If no word is highlighted, use the previous one.


      • Jose J Sanjosé

        Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-03-19


        - a) The search in files shall be part of the notepad++. It is cool.
        I understand there is an idea to change the search in Notepad++ 4.2, but I don't know

        - b) Different tabs to store results of different searches
        The plug-in allows you to take the result of the search to a new tab or to the current tab, that way you choose where to target the results

        - c) If user has highlighted a word (or words) in the active window, typing Alt-Q (or another key), the search dialog shall use the word (words) to find. If no word is highlighted, use the previous one.
        Great idea. I shall place it on next release.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I must be stupid because I can't get SearchinFiles to do anything, so I either must have the wring idea of what it is supposed to do, or I'm not doing it right.

      It seems to be a plugin that searches for text within files on the hard drive - OK? A shame the dialog isn't amodal...

      System is Windows 2000 SP4.

      I enter the word I want it to find, say "family".
      I enter a filetype, say "*.*"
      I enter the folder, say F:\Temporary\TEMP
      "Whole word" selected and hit OK and nothing appears. There are files in that folder that do contain the word. I've tried several other examples. The files are sitting in Notepad++ so I can see them.

      Nothing ever appears in the results window.

      So, what am I doing wrong?


      • Jose J Sanjosé

        Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-03-19


        <i>I enter the word I want it to find, say "family".
        I enter a filetype, say "*.*"
        I enter the folder, say F:\Temporary\TEMP
        "Whole word" selected and hit OK and nothing appears.</i>

        There are several things that could be checked:
        1.- Do you have the 'Exclude extensions' option checked?, if so try clearing that flag
        2.- Try the search without the 'Whole word' option on, is the result the same?
        3.- Try the search using a file mask: let say *.txt or whatever the extension of the file with the string pattern is.
        4.- If everything fails try sending me an image of the result: in the tab after the word 'Search' there are the parameters used to make the search: the pattern, the file mask and the root folder. The three parameters have a single character ' before and after them.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Jose:

        Find one bug:

      Start Notepad++
      Ensure no document is opened
      Press Alt-Q and search a strings in files, results shall be shown in the search result panel.
      Drag the search result panel to become a floating window.
      Double click one of the search result to open the document.
      The document will be open but it shows nothing. Notepad++ will not be responding.


      • Jose J Sanjosé

        Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-03-20

        Yes, I've been able to reproduce the error. Thank you.

        I will post the solution whenever is available.