
New feature - enhanced indentation awareness

  • cjmd

    cjmd - 2007-03-08

    I really like Notepad++. What keeps me from using it more is that it doesn't follow common indentation when you hit Enter to go to another line after typing certain characters. Use JEdit or Eclipse and you'll see what I mean. If you hit Enter after typing a { Notepad++ should indent. Also, if you type a closing } it should dedent. Python has no braces but it is possible to get this right for Python too - at least the indentation part. There are other language-specific times when indent and dedent should occur but I hope you get the idea.

    This feature would keep me in Notepad++ a lot more. As it is, hitting TAB or Backspace all the time to get good indentation quickly becomes tiresome and I end up going elsewhere to edit my code.

    I've been using Notepad++ since 2.x and really like the progress that's happening. Keep up the good work.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      To me it's annoying that NP++ still keeps the same indent of the last not empty line, after an empty line. If I want to add a few empty lines to separate code more clearly, I have to unindent manually for each new empty line...