
User defined language, filenames extensions

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I defined a new language for N++ to recognize, it works fine except I need to tell N++ each time that a file is to be marked up as this new language.

    I know how to add extensions to predefined languages, so I added .config to xml, but I can't find the language I defined in the list of recognised languages.

    Anyone can help.


    • Greg Bullock

      Greg Bullock - 2007-02-09

      In the dialog where you create the user-defined language, you may also enter the file extensions corresponding to that language.

      If the extension you enter is already taken by a predefined language, then unfortunately the predefined language has priority.  At present, the only way I know to correct this is to open the langs.xml file in the NP++ install folder and remove the extension from the predefined language.

      I believe NP++ should give first priority to the extensions of the user-defined languages.  If a user is going to the trouble of creating a user-defined language and declaring an extension for it, then obviously the user wants that extension to be used for the user-defined language.


    • bluejoker

      bluejoker - 2007-02-09

      I have the same problem with the user-defined Clipper language and with the extension prg (OS WinXP). I've also excluded all other languages (preferences->language menu) but nothing to do: every time the file with extension .prg is opened no document syntax highlight is visible and I have to reselect it again.
      Unfortunately neither my Clipper.api file doesn't work with word completion... :-( It seems the words listed in autocompletion box are gotten from the same file I'm editing.
      Any suggestions?
