
Problem in NPP v4.0 on open *.htm files

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    On open *.htm files Notepad ++ v4.0 drop down with system error (Application has error and cosed).
    My OS: Windows 2000 SP4
    Contact with me:

    • DV

      DV - 2007-01-30

      No, it does not.
      Give us more detail, please. Do you use the Explorer plugin, did you try to disable it? Can it be that the problem is in your .htm file size or long name?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I fix this problem more corretly.
      Problem not in file`s type (htm, txt, ...). Problem at file`s name length.
      When file`s name length is 63 with extention NPP open it corretly, but when file`s name length 64 or more - it drop down with system error.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-01-31

        > When file`s name length is 63 with extention NPP open it corretly,
        > but when file`s name length 64 or more - it drop down with system error.

        In this case, it may be due to the total length of full file path - what's the length of full file path of this file?


        • E-man

          E-man - 2007-02-21


          Notepad++ v4.0 crashes with following error message:

          Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor has
          encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry
          for the inconvenience.
          Error signature:
          EventType : BEX     P1 : notepad++.exe     P2 :     P3 : 45bb9337    
          P4 : notepad++.exe     P5 :     P6 : 45bb9337     P7 : 0001de0d    
          P8 : c0000409     P9 : 00000000  

          It will do this every time I open a file with a file name longer than 64 characters including the file extension, but not the directory/folder.
          This happens no matter where the file is located (sub directory or even in the root of the C:\ drive)
          It does not matter if I open the file through File|Open or the context menu of the file in Windows Explorer.
          I can name files with 256 character long file name including the extension (in the root directory) and open it just fine with the Windows XP SP2 Notepad.

          I hope that this helps.

          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2007-02-21

            > It will do this every time I open a file with a file name longer than 64 characters including the file extension, but not the directory/folder.

            This bug is fixed in v4.0.2


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      File at root directory at local disk. In my case - full file name, witch not opend is:
      I can`t open it from explorer`s menu and from NPP menu "File" - "Open".

  • OVP

    OVP - 2010-08-19

    Similar situation:

    Notepad++ v5.7 (UNICODE)
    Windows 7

    When I am editing a html file, I enter a round bracket I get the message:

    In "Details" I read:

          Exception Offset:    000250b7
          Exception Code:    c0000409
          Exception Data:    00000000

    and many other useless to me information.

    It looks like a problem of parsing. Hovever I do not know what is this. "Problem of parsing" - it is only a hypothese.

  • OVP

    OVP - 2010-08-19

    I made two experiments:
    1. If I save this file in the same folder with extension txt, the problem disappears.
    2. If I save this file in folder D:\temp under the name a.html, the problem disappears as well.

  • cchris

    cchris - 2010-08-19

    Can you file a bug report on this? Though it may be a Scintilla problem rather.


  • OVP

    OVP - 2010-08-20

    Cris, please, how to get the bug report?

    I have only the window shown above, and the data in the "problem details" section are as follows:

    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:   BEX
      Application Name: notepad++.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    4c2f6bda
      Fault Module Name:    notepad++.exe
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:   4c2f6bda
      Exception Offset: 000250b7
      Exception Code:   c0000409
      Exception Data:   00000000
      OS Version:   6.1.7600.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1: ec25
      Additional Information 2: ec254c5b2b65e7bdc9768d117f97d130
      Additional Information 3: 49ab
      Additional Information 4: 49ab212af38f656b216178e2554a05da
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    Did you mean this report or something another?

  • cchris

    cchris - 2010-08-20

    If you scroll this page up, you'll find a Sourceforge menu bar with "Summary", "Files" and so on. Hover on Trackers and then choose Bugs, and add a new report - they call it "artifact"- there.
