
How to find several lines

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The 'find and replace' seems to be able to work only with single lines?
    How then can I find a batch of lines please?
    I'm used to 'EditPlus' where there is a 'more' button, which changes the one-line field to a text area. Is there a similar way in Notepad++ ?

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      The only thing i dislike about notepad++ is it's Find function. It really sucks, not only the interface but the fact that if you use 'find in files' everything just hangs for a while... and why another popup for 'find in files' with filters and directory????

      Make an interface with just one dialog box, make it modeless and do the find in files processing in a thread.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I found the answer:
      Select the lines you want to find or replace, then Press Ctrl+R

      Wow, the plugin menu carries loads of excellent features.