
Opening a window over a graph

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Has anyone opened a swing window/frame/dialog over the graph? i.e. by clicking a node.
    When I show one of them, it does not repaint correctly, and I can't see anything inside the new window.
    Can anyone test it, please? Just to now if it is a library problem.
    Is there any parameter int he library to prevent this problem?

    This message is related to the "JDialog repaint problem".

    I'm using JUNG v1.6.0

    Thanks in advance.

    • Tom Nelson

      Tom Nelson - 2006-11-24

      Although I don't plan to test version jung-1.6.0, none of the demos in the
      latest version (1.7.5) show any problem when displaying windows over the
      graph. Why are you using such an old version of jung? There is almost
      nothing we can do for support other than tell you to upgrade.

      As a general java question, if your window or dialog is not repainting,
      then something could be starving the awt repaint thread. Another
      reason could be that the components inside the window are not
      written correctly.
      What is inside the window you are opening?

      Tom Nelson


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