
clickable url's ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there a way to have url's highlighted and clickable so the web browser opens that page?

    When documenting I paste links like in the comments of my script, so it would be a real timesaver if you just have to click (or CTRL-click) instead of copy/paste into the webbrowser.


    • Michael Kairys

      Michael Kairys - 2006-11-15

      You can edit shortcuts.xml and it will show up on the Run menu. You can assign a shortcut key to it.

      More than that I don't know - I've only been experimenting with this program for a few days now...

    • Michael Kairys

      Michael Kairys - 2006-11-12

      What you could do is make a command like ...

      <Command name="launch in IE" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="73">iexplore &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>

      ... in which you replace $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) with $(CURRENT_WORD). It wouldn't be quite as easy as clicking but all you would have to do is select the URL and execute the command.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      And where to put that command line? Save as a macro or similar?
