
Shell extension causing a file explorer crash

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    When I open the start menu, select Programs and on any folder open the popup menu and select either open or Explore, explorer crashes.

    If I disable the Notepad++ shell extension, it starts working again.  So either there is a problem with the Notepad++ Shell extension or it's conflicting with some other extension.  Has anyone else seen this?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      We have the same problem.

      Will there be a fix for this problem?

      If I disable the "nppshellext.dll" will it cause any problems when running Notepad++

      FYI - We are running version 3.9

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, the same thing happens to me when I right click any item in the start menu.

      • jak68

        jak68 - 2006-11-13

        exact same thing happens to me too.