

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    My default browser is IE 6 and "Launch in IE" works fine. "Launch in Firefox" does not work although I have this as a usable browser. Do I have to change my default browser to Firefox before this option will work? Hopefully you'll suggest another method...

    • Biscuit

      Biscuit - 2008-09-18

      An edit to the above post...I have tried using the code the double quotes. It is being converted to HTML in my post, which is odd since Sourceforge states: HTML tags will display in your post as text.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2006-10-08

      > Do I have to change my default browser to Firefox before this option will work?

      Not necessary.

      It works for me, it seems that the path of firefox is not in %PATH%.


      • Biscuit

        Biscuit - 2008-09-18

        Since upgrading to 5.0.3 I am unable to open/display a file in Firefox. I've compared the current shortcuts.xml file to the backup, tried using both the standard double quotes around FULL_CURRENT_PATH and also ' "', neither works, I can't open a file when there is a space in the folder name (which on Windows, is pretty often).

        Notepad++ has stopped "encasing" the path to the file. I don't believe it's Firefox's fault, as I can double click an .html, .htm. or .php file and it opens perfectly in FF.

        I was also able to launch files from Notepad++ in Firefox fine *before upgrading to 5.0.3*.

        From my shortcuts.xml file:

        <Command name="launch in Firefox" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="88">"$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
                <Command name="launch in IE" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="73">iexplore &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>

        Again, I've tried the following 3 "fixes", one which worked the last time this happened, now none work:

        Key="88">firefox "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
        Key="88">firefox &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>

        I'm on XP, Firefox, if it matters.