
PHP Function Hilighting

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've searched the forums and google for this, messed around with my stylers.xml and langs.xml files for a long time now, and I'm still left without a solution. For some reason, Notepad++ won't hilight any php functions like count() or opendir(). These functions are in the php.api file, but it doesn't look like Notepad++ is even taking it into consideration. What am I missing here?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Notepad++ doesn't highlight functions. Api files are ment for something completely different. When you are writing a script, you can hit CONTROL + SPACE, a list with all the words from this api file will be displayed.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        How much I have understood code LexHTML.cxx it's not to make it impossible at present. To highlight functions PHP, i.e. to separate words SCE_HPHP_WORD from functions (SCE_HPHP_FUNCTION for example) it will not turn out having the present organization swicth / case in LexHTML.cxx, I guess...
        Is it so?
        It's only to thrust out functions into WORD-list.. (