
How to do a data base???

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    please some one helpe me i´m from brasil and i need to do a file with the gaph informations
    and after read it in one data base. please some one helpe - me

    • Joshua O'Madadhain

      Not quite sure what you're asking for.  It sounds like you want to create a graph, save that graph as a file, and then store the graph information in a database.  Is that correct?

      If so, JUNG can do the first two parts (how this should be done will depend on what you're trying to do) but not the third, i.e., you will need to figure out how to populate the database yourself. 

      Please state your question more clearly and we may be able to help.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      in truth i need to build a graph whith one database i/o informations...

      • Joshua O'Madadhain

        Your question still isn't very clear, I'm afraid.  It now sounds like you want to build a graph based on information from a database.  If that's the case, then once you've decided how you want to interpret the information in your data set as vertices, edges, and metadata, you'll need to make a JDBC connection to the database to read in the tables and populate the graph. 

        There are a couple of ways of doing this; we have some code in the CVS repository (look under jung-db, I think) that's not ready for release and not really supported, but you can give it a shot.

        Good luck--


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          can i use the prefuse visualization toolkit with the jung to do it???

          • Joshua O'Madadhain

            I don't see how Prefuse helps here; Prefuse is a visualization toolkit, and you want to read information from a database.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      yes that´s it... i need to  build a graph based on information from a database so i will try to look at the code in the CVS repository thanks.


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