
Settings for File Save Location?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, all, I used Notepad++ as a MDI notepad due to the large number of *.txt files I need to access and edit. Is there a way I can specified the save path so that everytime I save a document, it goes to the same directory? So far, it keeps going to the default Npp32 folder.

    Also, if I am creating a new document, how can I get it to save automatically in *.txt extension? Thanks.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      A partial workaround to this problem is to edit the properties of a shortcut that launches Notepad++.  Change the "Start in" directory field to say something like "C:\Documents and Settings\ThisPC\My Documents" (change ThisPC to the correct user) or whatever directory is desired.

      When you use that shortcut, File Open and File Save default to that directory.

      "Remember the last operation directory" on the Global tab of the Preferences dialog may need to be checked.  --Joel

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Thx man! This is by far the best workaround there is. 

        However, I simply don't understand how it's possible that a "default save location"-option still hasn't been implemented.  I thought, with the "major" release of a 4.0 version, this terrible "bug" would be fixed :-/ ... Guess not.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      >Is there a way I can specified the save path so that >everytime I save a document, it goes to the same >directory?

      This would interest me, too.

      >if I am creating a new document, how can I get it to save >automatically in *.txt extension?

      I think you have to select "normal text" in the tab "new file" in the configuration otions (I'm using Notepad++ in italian, maybe the terms in your language are different)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My preferred save method would be for NP++ to remember the last folder it saved to - or opened from. As it is it defaults to the installed directory every time. An alternative would be as mentioned above to have a default save directory.
      I like NP++ and I'm looking at using it as a replacement editor for the students where I work, but they have no rights to save files on the system drive.

      • tarabucetta

        tarabucetta - 2007-01-19

        i am UPSET by seeing that ALL requests about any idea on SAVE AS (name , folder, etc.. )

        HAVE NEVER NEVER any answer from Notepad++  (Which is an excellent Tool !!)

        Users  should be  assisted whis a Minimum CARE at the point of giving a name to a NEW file  AND choosing the GOOD Folder (where they currently work generally !!!)

        THANKS to say if SourceForge FORUM is HUMAN attended, or a simple log-in machine...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This is something which annoying me intensely.  I'm sure it used to remember where you last saved files in previous versions.

    • Greg Bullock

      Greg Bullock - 2006-09-06

      When you have opened an existing file, then File: Save As... will choose the file's folder as the default location.  But when you've created a new file (not yet saved), then the default location is effectively uninitialized, which points it the the NP++ folder.

      Having NP++ remember a default location would certainly be an improvement.  If someone writes the code, I'm sure Don would be happy to merge it in a future version.

      In the meantime, I keep an Explorer window open to the folder I most care about.  Then after choosing File: Save As..., I copy the entire path from the Explorer window's address bar and paste it into FileSave dialog before typing my file name.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Relax man!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Why should he relax. Do you know how frustrating this little glich is when you are proessing MANY files? You should be able to select a default extension and a default file location. Ths seems like a simple request to implement and  I have seen several
        requests fo this funtionality.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I, too, came here looking for an answer to that question.  Most other text editors (basic to advanced) do this.  I look forward to this 'feature' in a future version.

    • Umut Besler

      Umut Besler - 2007-03-13

      I have made a customization on the code and set .txt as default extension.
      you can use this. This is customized v4.0.2. First update to v4.0.2, then replace the exe file.

      I don't know c++ much, i can only do this :)
      Hopely it works for you.