
Notepad++ 3.8 crashes on "Undo" function

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I just downloaded version 3.8.
    Open a new document and type some lines in.
    If you press the "Undo" button on the menu bar, Notepad++ crashes with an error window (something like "Notepad++ generated errors...").

    This error does not happen in version 3.7.

    My OS is Windows 2000 Pro SP4.

    • DooGie

      DooGie - 2006-07-23

      No problem here. Running XP Home SP2.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Works here - Win2000.

      I did see undo is mouse-cursor move sliced, so many new lines all undo, unless cursor is moved between.
      Some other editors slice the undo also at CrLf.

      - but that is not a crash, just a personality..

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi - I'm the original poster of the thread.  To add to my environment, I did not use the install program for Notepad++.  I just unzip the .zip file to a directory to make it portable.

      I tried the same scenario with Notepad++ 3.8 on my Windows XP SP2 laptop and it did not crash.

      In my other laptop with Windows 2000 SP4, Notepad++ 3.8 only crashes if you open the application to a new document, type something, and press the "Undo" button. 

      If you open an existing document, type something, then press "Undo" - the application does not crash.
      If you open an existing document, and create a new document tab then type something and "Undo" the typing - the application does not crash.

      As I mentioned before, the application crash does not happen with the prior version 3.7


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        "only crashes if you open the application to a new document, type something, and press the "Undo" button."

        That's what I tried: File.New.Type.Undo
        works fine - Win2000 Sp4.
        Perhaps there is another trigger ? 


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Some more clarifications:

      1. Double-click on notepad++.exe.  This opens up a tab called "new 1".
      2. Type some letters.
      3. Press "undo" button.

      I sometimes see a window indicating "invalid window handle" or sometimes "access is denied".  Then comes another window stating "notepad++.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program.  An error log is being generated."

      I am only able to reproduce the error in the above scenario.  If I do "File...New" to create another tab and follow steps 2-4 there are no errors.  Although I am expecting the new tab to be called "new 2" rather than "new 3".

      • f0dder

        f0dder - 2006-07-26

        I just tried that exact procedure here (XP-SP2 Pro, Danish, using blackbox/bblean_1.16 shell) - one time with Ctrl+Z undo, the other time pressing the undo button.

        NP++ v3.6: works fine
        NP++ v3.7: works fine
        NP++ v3.8: works fine

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Tried that as well, and still it works 100%.
        Just New1, some text, undo = OK. ?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks Jens.  I'm able to get it to work by taking the HexEditorPlugin.dll from the 3.8 installer version and replacing the one from the 3.8 standalone .zip version.

      I see that they have different timestamps.

      Thanks jmg_ for helping me clarify the issue.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello it seems that you have an old version of HexEditPlugin. Please install the newest one.
