
N++ crashes trying to open second file...WHY?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm openning a file in N++ using shell menu.
    No problem. Until now...
    Everytime (and I mean EVERYTIME) I want to open the 2nd file, using the shell menu too, I get those funny message with "Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." HMMM, so  am I...

    Can I do something? Other then uninstall?

    Thanx a lot

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Try to remove the HexEdit plugin (delete or move the dll). At the moment there are many users which simular problems.

      If it works let me know, please. Could you tell me your OS?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I began getting R2065 Microsoft Visual C++ errors frequently when I upgraded to N++ v3.7 and Notepad++ would crash.  Opening multiple files worked all right, but it happened when I tried calling N++ from another application, such as opening a text file from my filemanager.

      I removed the HexEdit plugin as Jens advised and the problem went away.  Notepadd++ is working like a champ again.  My OS is Windows XP Professional.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      it crashes when I open file while notepad in systray. gives such an error: R6025 - pure virtual function call. (plugin removal solves the problem) hope it'll help

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2006-06-25

      The crash is due to HexEditor plugin.
      Here's the newest HexEditor plugin which is supposed to work better (so no crash) :

      Please let me know the result of your test.


    • w33ds

      w33ds - 2006-06-27

      I had the same problem. Have updated the HexEditorPlugin.dll file as suggested by Don and everything seems to be working well.  So far.

      Thanks, Dave
