
import file sql

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    i have the problem when i try to import a file sql exported by another server postgre with phppgadmin 4.0.1 into my local server  postgre with phppgadmin 4.0.1, my problem is i don't find the button "import" but i only find "export".
    Please can i have help

    • McClie

      McClie - 2006-06-12

      phpPGadmin does not have a GUI option to import an entire cluster, database, or even schema. You only have an import button for importing into a pre-existing table.

      You can use the SQL option to import an SQL dump, but phpPGadmin's SQL dialogue lacks a command history, so I would highly recommend that you use something that does have. On OSX and Linux the simplest route is to use the terminal. Guidelines are available at


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