
Installation Problem

Andreas M.
  • Andreas M.

    Andreas M. - 2006-06-03

    Trying to update PyDev and PyDev Extensions (Eval version) with the eclipse update-manager I get an error when selecting the PyDev 1.0.8 update in the updater dialog:

    "----- Current configuration problems -----"

    I don't know what to do.

    For all other plugins I get this:

    "The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have unpredictable results."

    Maybe this is connected ? How can I find out, what causes the problems ? Thanks.

    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2006-06-03

      I'd reccomend removing all and reinstalling. Have you checked:

      -- Fabio

    • Andreas M.

      Andreas M. - 2006-06-03

      > 'd reccomend removing all and reinstalling.

      Been there, done that :-( It seems, one of the plugins I use comes 'preconfigured' with the warning.

      Good link however, thank you. It, indeed, was a problem with the update-site as mentioned in that link. Now all is fine.