
Highlighted Search Results

  • Atomhrt

    Atomhrt - 2004-05-08

    Something that is missing from a *lot* of editors is having the option to highlight all search results like VIM and EmEditor, in open buffers. I would very much like this feature added. I have tried *many* editors and have to disband using any that do not have this feature. I do not want a Hypersearch or listing of results as I find this awkward to use.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2004-05-08

      I won't do "highlight all search results", instead, I 'll do "mark all search results", ie mark each line where is the found result.

      It is already on TODO list.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Dear Don,

        sorry for reanimating this old topic.

        I was trying to find something about such a functionality in this forum and came across this posting. So I wondered if this functionality (or something comparable) has been yet implemented?

        Is there a way to copy all lines of a (large ;) textfile which contain a certain search string into the clipboard/a new file?

        Thanks for help and best regards,

    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-05-09

      That is your call. SCiTE does that as well. I think that using markers does not work very well. Suppose you have many results per line. Using a marker does not do any good.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2004-05-09

      > Suppose you have many results per line.
      I agree with you. But hightlighting the search result means add the code lines into every lexer, it's technically impossible for the Scintilla based editor.
      However, you can access the source code, and you are encouraged to do the modification as you will.


    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-05-10

      Yeah, it's a controversial topic really. It's also a technical issue due to how syntax highlighting might be set up for any particular template. I did already download the source. I may change it to suit myself.

      Thanks for your time...

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2004-06-23

      I've done the hightlighting of search result.
      The only inconvenience for this new feature is : the syntax highlighting can not coexist with the hightlighting of search result. ie. after highlighting the search result, user should reset language for having the syntax highlighting again.

      This feature come up with the v2.2 which will be released in a few days.


    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-06-26

      Wow!! That's great!

      Very few editors have this ability, so your's will stand apart from most others. The only editor's that I have found that can do this are:

      Wonderful news... thx!

    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-06-26

      Oops forgot. EmEditor is another one.

    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-07-09

      Version 2.2 looks very nice! Just to let you know, I had to use the Installer version. The zip version seems to be missing something because there was not a "Find Mark style" option in the Global Styles drop-down list.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2004-07-09

      There's nothing missing in the zip version. You should read the readme.txt and follow the install instruction.


    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-07-10

      I did follow the instructions in the readme file before posting. I removed config.xml and stylers.xml before running notepad++.exe. It did not work.

    • Atomhrt

      Atomhrt - 2004-07-10

      Yes, you are right. It works correctly from a brand new directory. Sorry. From now on, I will remove the old dir first.