
A few simple requests for 3.6 :)

  • Per

    Per - 2006-04-24

    * A "toggle collapse state off current level" function, currently you have to
    define two keys to collapse the current level and uncollapse the current level
    which is slightly annoying, it would be nicer with a toggle option.

    * A "favorites" menu - much like a bookmark menu but for files much like a recently
    used files, except they need not be recently used, its files you chose to put on the list.
    Then you just select them from the favorites menu and notepad opens them.

    * Not making the "view" menu any longer, its at the edge of my screen as it is ;)

    * A key conflict notifier, I assigned something to F1 and wondered why i got the about
    menu instead ;)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      "Show white space and TAB" option is not saved checked in the next launch. Plz fix it or explain how to do that, maybe i need change some options...

    • Per

      Per - 2006-04-24

      Oh, additional:

      * Allow people to chose which langauge should appear on the langauge menu - I don't need to see the vast majority of them (though its handy that the pad knows 'em)

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2006-04-24

        > * Allow people to chose which langauge should appear on the langauge menu

        It'll be in the v3.6


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It will be good if Find Dialog has a ControlBox with   Close Box

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      * Ability to change encoding (example save coding from UFT-8 to ISO 8859-1)

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        in the printer header footer add the option to include a veriable for the total number of pages. so that you could print "page 2 of 8" or "2 / 8"...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Make the tabs with all the current documents able to be on two lines (optional though)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I miss one accelerated key in the 'Find' dialog. Currently I can only move to the 'Find what' textbox by tabbing or using the mouse.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ctrl+Q to comment and/or uncomment a line where the cursor locates, without highlighting any words/letters.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Plz make Explorer dockable

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      A "favorites" menu!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Control-Enter to auto-complete based upon words in the current file (like SciTE does).