
Login failed

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It seems that a lot of people have login problems, but none of their answers help me.
    It could be that I'm just not smart enough ;-)
    I'm running phppgadmin 3.5.5, OBSD 3.7, pgsql 7.4.3, PHP 5.0.4 and apache 1.3.29. All on 1 box.

    I can login via psql with no issues, but when I try from phpPgAdmin, I get "login failed". No errormessages, and I cannot see anything in the logfile.

    I (try to) connect via a browser on a 2. box.

    I have changed from "trust" to "md5" in the pg_hba.conf file, that should be OK, right?
    I have also changed DATABASE to "sameuser".

    I have very close to no experience with sql-servers, so I may be asking stupidly ;-)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      same with me. there's no problem logging in with psql but with phppgadmin, the only account that could log on is "www-data." i tried linux logins that were also added as database user using adduser as well as  accounts that are exclusive to postgresql (i.e., no linux counterpart) but to no avail. i also tried tweaking config files of phppgadmin and postgresql. still no luck. what could be the problem?

      btw, i'm using postgresql 7.4, debian linux 3.1 and phppgadmin 4.0.

    • pstory

      pstory - 2006-03-09

      I have a problem that's similar.  In phpPgAdmin 3 I can login just fine.  In version 4 I can login but a number of other users cannot.  They get login failed however, they can login to version 3 with no problems.

      Please help

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      and another one here, login through psql ok but a no-go with phppgadmin
      here's my pg_hba.conf :

           64 # TYPE  DATABASE    USER        CIDR-ADDRESS          METHOD
           66 # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
           67 local   all         all                               md5
           68 local   all         pgsql                             ident sameuser
           69 # IPv4 local connections:
           70 host    all         all          md5
           71 host    all         all        md5
           73 # IPv6 local connections:
           74 host    all         all         ::1/128               md5

      any help would be appreciated

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        That looks ok to me.  I suggest enabling pgsql to log somewhere, and read the error in the log carefully when you try to log in.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      it's me again .. the "Nobody/Anonymous - nobody" who posted his pg_hba.conf file with more info.  I've downloaded the PGadmin3 application for Windows XP and IP can connect to to database.
      Setting up loggin right now ...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It's the "Nobody/Anonymous - nobody" poster again ;-)

      found the problem, under FreeBSD check is you have

      $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = '*';

      and change it to

      $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = '';

      and it only took me 17hours ;-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, here's the situation.  Running phpBB2 and some other stuff on a remote (hosting co.) server, and all the dB logins work except for phppgAdmin.
      The dB is set to accept only local socket connections, and it works fine with no user/password.  In some php scripts I've written a straight pg_connect(dbname=$$$$); works fine.
      However, when I try setting up the same thing under phppgAdmin it doesn't work.
      And before anyone asks: extralogin security is set to false.  Min password length is 0.  I've trimmed out the port num, and host address, everything. 
      Does anyone have any clues?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Further info on the above post;
        The php version on their server is 4.3.9, which is a bit behind reality.  The version info from postgresql version() info is,
        "PostgreSQL 8.0.5 on i686-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)"

        I suspect I'm hitting a brick wall due to php being so far behind the postgres.  But I also thought maybe someone else has come accross the same thing and knows how to fix it.  (hope springs eternal).


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