
Autocompletion evolution ?

  • LKBoard

    LKBoard - 2006-03-30

    Hi all,

    First of all, congratulation for your work and the great result of it ... Notepad++. Your project make my life easier. I use NPP to code my XHTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript documents and it's MAGIC ;o)

    But what about the next version ?

    - The evoltuion of your auto completion tool ... Is it possible to show the autocompletion "frame" automaticly ? Whithout have to tape "Ctrl+Space"

    I think it's not so easy to create a usefull product but, for example the code mode of dreamweaver 8 is the best i've ever seen ... the "tag auto close" is very usefull ... it wait for the "</" sequence to close the tag (and work on multi level of parent tags)

    Another function of D8 which look fine is the "auto size img" when you add a <img tag the software give you automaticly the real image size. The "browse" option is very interesting to.

    Is difficult adding this type of functionality ? Whith Macros ? Or Plugin ?

    Thanks for your attention .. sorry for my horrible english ;o)

    Have a nice day ... Thank you for your great job !

    • Chris Severance

      Chris Severance - 2006-05-01

      High speed automated code completion is a large task that the folks at Code::Blocks are trying to tackle. Keep an eye on it.