
New explorer plugin available

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2006-03-13

    Hello Notepad-User,

    a new plugin for Notepad++ is available in download section on the homepage. I developed a little explorer. Now you could open files easiest with double click.

    In future versions there will be an extensions filter and docking available.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, and it is near the end of developing. Be surprised!

      Best Regards

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      and surely a option to switch files (next / last) with a hotkey (for example: CTRL+PAGE DOWN), for beeing even fast3r :-)
      for now many many thanks!!!


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I dont know what you mean! Explain in more detail...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      - when you choosed a file it is still marked in the browser (allready done :-)
      - now you press CTRL + PAGE DOWN and the file AFTER the selected will be opened and the old one will be closed (maybe with the option autosave or ask)
      - in fact it's like scroling through the files
      - to keep it simple and reasonable i should only work for the current folder


      that would be awesome!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It would be useful if you could dock the explorer to the left or right side instead of having it draggable or overlapping the text. That would be perfect and make this plugin the best yet.

      Also, it would be nice if it were possible to drag a file from the explorer onto Notepad++ to open it.

      How do you add favorites?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Figured out how to add to favorites (not very intuitive).

        You should also retain the state of any open folders when viewing the directories. If you open several folders, switch to viewing favorites, and then switch back, only the folder you last clicked on is open. Everything else closes.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Figured out how to add to favorites (not very intuitive).

      You should also retain the state of any open folders when viewing the directories. If you open several folders, switch to viewing favorites, and then switch back, only the folder you last clicked on is open. Everything else closes.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I know, this is a main problem and I will fix it asap.

        Drag&Drop: I dont know that is a feature that is not really necessary. Currently I work on a HexEditor. This is the reason why I stay this back in my task list.

        Docking: I work at the moment together with Don on a new docking behaviour, so that plugins could be dockable into Notepad++.

        Intuative: I think it is! Would you like to have Drag&Drop for Faves, too?


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          True, drag and drop isn't necessary but very handy.

          Great to hear that docking is being worked on. Thanks for that. I look forward to it.

          Yes, it would be nice to have drag and drop for favorites too though I probably wouldn't use the favorites much. By the way, adding things to favorites is a bit buggy. I tried adding one and it worked but subdirectories didn't show up and when I tried adding another one, it didn't work.

          Another request: Use system icons for files instead of Notepad++ icons. It would help identify the files better.

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            Ok, here is my task list in order:

            - create first version of hex editor(only viewing)
            - create docking for notepad

            - fixing the update of trees (switching between tabs)
            - implement drag and drop
            - implement filtering extensions
            - maybe implement system icons

            • Don HO

              Don HO - 2006-03-15

              Since everyone does his feature request, I'll do mine here :

              It'll be great to add the third tab for Project manager's GUI. It won't be hard since Notepad++ does it already, all we need is a graphic interface.

              What do you think about it?


              • Nobody/Anonymous

                Great idea! Could you give me therefore the interfacing. The user could save the session files anywhere. This is hard to handle the lists. Has anyone a idea to handle this problem?

                Ok, many request, I think about to make explorer first. Maybe that a new version comming soon (without docking).


                • Don HO

                  Don HO - 2006-03-17

                  > The user could save the session files anywhere.

                  All you need to do is maintain (remember) all the full path name of saved session file (*.session) in the memory and on the disk (a file.ini to save this list for the next use).

                  The remain things just let Notepad++ take care of :


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Another handy feature would be a shortcut key to open and close the explorer.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Looks like you have your work cut out for you! Thanks for doing this though. I and many others will greatly appreciate it.

      Any idea when these may be completed?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Another feature request: Use XP's file system like it is used elsewhere throughout Windows. For example, the first level should be My Documents, My Computer, etc.

      I have most of my files stored in My Documents so it's cumbersome to drill down into C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents every time. I know I can use the favorites tab but It would be nice to have the directories tab work like all other file listings within Windows.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I noticed that if I have the explorer open and I add a new directory outside of Notepad++, I don't see that new directory in the Notepad++ explorer until I close it and open it again. It would be nice if it could recognize the updates without having to do that.

      In fact, can't you use some sort of Windows file system control? I don't know much about building programs like this but I thought there was some standard file system viewing control like the Open or Save As... dialog that you could use and it would come with all the usual file management capabilities (rename, move, copy, past, etc.). Wouldn't using that and making it dockable be easier to do because you wouldn't have to worry about building that functionality?

      I may be way off base here but I'd like to double check.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I know, this is also a main problem. This plugin is a fix hack! Please notice that. The plugin has only basic functionalities.

      At next release this will be get better. Maybe with renaming and automatic update.


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      First, thanks for your work to improve a fantastic editor.

      Is there an update in the works to make the explorer dockable?

