
Save Current File

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there this function in Scintilla? I need to save current file in my plugin but I had'n found this function! :(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Send a message to the notepad to save the current file!


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        What message? I know only messages described on official site, like getcurrentscintilla.
        Where can I find list of all messages?

        • Paulius

          Paulius - 2006-02-28

          All menu commands has ids. They are all availiable in resource.h ("<notepad++ source root>/PowerEditor/src/resource.h").
          What you need is IDM_FILE_SAVE command (You have to send it to Notepad++ main window as a parameter for WM_COMMAND message).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      big tnx!