
JadClipse overrides classes which have source

Assaf Berg
  • Assaf Berg

    Assaf Berg - 2004-11-15

    I've been using JadClipse with 3.0 and 3.1M2 and M3 and it works great except for the following quirks:

    1. If a class file has a source attachment it is ignored and you still get the decompiled source (which is not as good, especially for debugging because the line numbers are wrong)

    2. Even after you switch back to the default class handler, you still get the decompiled version until you restart eclipse...

    Are there any solutions?

    • Assaf Berg

      Assaf Berg - 2004-11-15

      Oh my i'm such an idiot!
      These problems are solved using the jadclipse preferences...

    • Kaj Kandler

      Kaj Kandler - 2005-11-22

      Hi Assaf,
      what changes did you need to do to solve this. I see the very same issue.


      • Assaf Berg

        Assaf Berg - 2005-11-22

        I completely forgot I posted this. It was a year ago...

        Anyway in the preferences dialog there's an option to ignore existing source. That option should be unchecked. But if you already had jadclipse decompile that class you'll need to restart eclipse. I don't think i've managed to solve that problem.


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