
multiple edges between two vertices

  • Saravanan

    Saravanan - 2005-10-27

    Hi all,

    Need some help in displaying a graph that contains multiple edges between vertices.

    Let us say the graph consists of two vertices (A and B), 3 edges from A to B and 3 edges from B to A. The modelling is such that Link 1 between A and B consists of one edge from A to B and another from B to A, link2 consists of an edge from A to B and B to A... Thus, I have three bi-directional links between the vertices.

    When I display the above graph, I get two vertices with one bi-directional line between them (as a result of all the edges drawn above one other). I am using Jung-1.6.0. Is there any support in Jung to address the above scenario to display the graph with the 2 vertices and the 3 links separately.


    • Joshua O'Madadhain


      Take a look at PluggableRendererDemo.  Some edge shapes can be rendered without overlapping (quadratic and cubic shapes), some (straight lines, wedges) will overlap.  PRDemo gives an example of how to change between using different edge shape functions. 

      I'd also recommend moving to the latest version when you can, as the visualization code has become considerably cleaner since 1.6.0.



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