
Feature Request: Explorer view

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It will be nice. As a programmer I use that feature on a text editor. I can choose an open more quickly another files in Notepad++.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      It may be difficult to implement as every languages has it own function and procdures format (and dont forget class or JAVA and other OO languages).

      In short, this feature is language dependent, which implies changes should be made on parser of each language. And don't forget we have 'user-defined language' here

      I would prefer 'marker-based folding'. Programmer define his/her own block of code to be folded by placing special pattern in the comment area.

      Of course, if you need the code to be 'explorerable', a tree view should be available in the npp, no matter whether additional 'explorer view' or 'marker-base folding' is implemented. Will this feature be implemented, Don?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry for not being clear in my first post. It is about a "explorer like - tree - file view", just like "Edit Plus" has. It's simple to implement this (I think) not like "code explorer" ;)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I agree - it's the first thing I looked for. To be able to turn on a folder view on the left would be super. For web developers in particular. For example, someone workong on a php site, or site, it would be great to 'mount' the root of the site, using the standard folder explorer interface. Then the tortoise cvs would also work and and would tie that up quite nicely. Even if you could not mount a folder but got the whole list it would be great!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I also agree that a a file explorer would make notepad++ superb and I am glad that someone else has made a request for this. For me, It is the only down side to the program, and I use this every day. The folder views in Crimson editor and Editplus are two examples of what would put the icing on the cake.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeah..infact that is the only feature that is not there in Notepad++...I love it absolutely and i would love it more if it would have explorer view..

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      bah, use/toggle F11 key and run your explorer folders , keep the np ++ small, then F11 key puts it to full screen