
Problem Restoring Data in rc3

  • Stefan Schorn

    Stefan Schorn - 2005-04-11


    trying to restore production data to a new wiki testversion i get the following errors

    Fatal Error:

    lib/Request.php:685: Error: Upload error: unknown error #1

    lib/Request.php:671: Notice: Undefined index: userfile

    Fataler PhpWiki Fehler

    lib/Request.php:685: Error: Upload error: unknown error #1

    The zip file is about 10M big. First the data is transfered and then the error is displayed.

    Regards Stefan

    • Stefan Schorn

      Stefan Schorn - 2005-04-11

      Seems to be a problem of max upload size in php.ini.
      Could be a more telling warning.

      Regards Stefan

      • Reini Urban

        Reini Urban - 2005-04-11

        I'll fix this missing warning message.
        "Upload error: file too big" should get displayed

        You seem to get a "1" as error number,. not 1.
        Stupid php-internals problem

        • bh26

          bh26 - 2006-01-17

          While trying to upload for the first time a file I get this error message:

          lib/Request.php (In template 'html'):676: Notice: Undefined index: error

          I cannot see what is actually wrong in my config.ini or upload.php or even in this request.php.
          Could someone help, please.

    • Reini Urban

      Reini Urban - 2005-04-11

      To trying to restore production data to a new wiki testversion you only need to symlink the new uplaod directory to the old one, or point the new
      Upload: moniker in your InterWikiKarte to the old url.

      Or copy the old files to the new dir.
      No need to upload via php.


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