
Selectively Display a Graph

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm trying to selectively display a graph based on the weights assigned to the edges' userdata. For example, once I see the whole graph, I might only want to display all edges (and vertices they connect) with weights "7" and "8". After that, I might want to see all edges with weight "6." I've tried writing my own filter to do this, but when I try to redraw the new graph, nothing changes visually. A call to graph.numEdges() results in the correct number of filtered edges, but this doesn't map to what I'm seeing on the screen.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    • Joshua O'Madadhain

      Have a look at PluggableRenderer, and PluggableRendererDemo; these allow you to do what you want, and show you how it can be done, respectively.



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