
login failure.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-02-26


    I hope someone can help here.
    I have a new installation of postgresql.  I enter this command as postgres:
    createuser -d -P sql-ledger  --> I enter a password and  enter <y> to "....create more new users?"  --> postgresql responds:  "CREATE USER"
    I assume all is ok.
    I point konq @ phppgadmin --> log-in screen appears -->   I log in as: the newuser & corresponding password --> then I get this error:  "Login failed"
    I created a database to see if that would help:
    createdb mydb --> postgresql: "CREATE DATABASE"
    ... I can log into postgresql commanline no problem.
    Just to make sure I logged in as postgres and changed the password:
    ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD mynewpassword.
    Again I go to the log-in page --> I enter Username: postgres  &  Password: mynewpassword
    and now postgresql responds:  "Login disallowed"

    my pg_hba.conf file:
    local   all                 postgres                      ident sameuser
    local   all         all                                             ident sameuser
    host    all         all   ident sameuser
    host    all         all    reject

    I am somewhat experienced with linux, but these permission rules sometimes elude me.
    My goal is to use sql-ledger, and I'm having the same log in response there as well.  Does anyone have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
    Chris W.

    • Christopher Kings-Lynne

      Turn off 'extra_login_security' in your


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-02-26

      Hi chriskl.
      Thanks for your suggestion.  I did what you suggested.  Not sure if one can restart php, but I still cannot login other than user postgres.  I restarted apache & postgresql just to be sure.
      In sql-ledger I can login <without a password>  @ the admin page --> takes me to: "SQL-Ledger Accounting Administration" here I cannot get past nohow.  Just keeps rejecting "valid" user names and passwords.  This makes me think that it's not php, but postgresql setup that is needs tweaking?
      Chris W.

    • henryjos

      henryjos - 2005-01-04

      I cannot even log in as user postgres. is there a way to reset everything and step by step start afresh


    • growbag

      growbag - 2005-01-29

      [quote]I cannot even log in as user postgres[/quote]
      Neither can I.
      I get "Wrong username/password. Access denied"
      This is using phppgadmin 2.4-1 on Debian. I'm using a browser on the Debian machine itself addressed to

      Please. Any help appreciated. I'm miles behind with a project. :o(

      • Christopher Kings-Lynne


        1. Install 3.5.1, not the incredibly outdated, ancient and buggy 2.4...

        2. Read the FAQ on these matters

        3. Read the PostgreSQL docs on editing your pg_hba.conf

        4. Turn on PostgreSQL logging and discover what exact reason PostgreSQL is rejecting you for.


    • growbag

      growbag - 2005-01-30

      Thanks for replying Chris

      2.4 happens to be the version that's provided in the Debian package list. I'll upgrade if it really seems to be the problem but these things are time consuming and confusing for the less exprerienced so I'll try to find out more first.

      I had already done points 2 & 3.

      4 sounds hopeful. I shall spend the next four hours trying to find out how.


      • Christopher Kings-Lynne

        You are seriously, sseriously wasting your time with phpPgAdmin 2.4.  It will not work with any version of PostgreSQL newer than 7.2.

        Just download the phpPgAdmin .tar.gz and unpack it.  There's no compilation or anything - it's just plain source.

        I know that debian unstable has the latest version though - use that.


    • growbag

      growbag - 2005-01-30

      Ok just for info, I'm in by putting in the entries

      local    all      trust
      host    all trust

      in pg_hba.conf

      It's a virtual PC without internet access so security isn't an issue.

    • growbag

      growbag - 2005-01-31

      ??? My previous two posts are displayed out of order ???

      Any how. I had it working under 2.4 but I installed the 'testing' version of 3.5.1 using Debian's APT.
      Only took an hour. It's tough when you're starting out.
      Looks different!

      • Christopher Kings-Lynne

        Something occurs to me, growbag.  If you installed PostgreSQL from debian stable, then you probably installed 7.2 (which is like 4 years old) - which is the only reason phpPgAdmin 2.4 worked for you.  You want to installed PostgreSQL 8.0...


    • growbag

      growbag - 2005-02-01

      That's correct. In fact the PostgreSQL 7.4 Debian package is termed 'testing' whereas 8.0 is 'unstable' so I opted for 7.4.
      I had phppgadmin 3.5.1 working yesterday but then foolishly tried installing 7.4.  However there was such a string of dependencies the whole thing went pear-shaped.
      Now I'm back to 7.2 which I can live with. This is for a university project.
      Can you confirm 7.2 supports triggers, transactions and PSMs, btw? Otherwise I'd plump for MySQL and save myself a lot of heartache.

      My problem now is: yes I can access phppgadmin 3.5.1 on PostgreSQL 7.2.1 from the same host (Debian on Virtual PC) BUT the lefthand frame is empty whereas previously there was a menu.

      Also when accessing phppgadmin from the host PC (ie, remote host) I get:
      You don't have permission to access /phppgadmin/ on this server.
      Apache/1.3.26 Server at Port 80"

      • Christopher Kings-Lynne

        7.2 supports triggers and transactions - I don't know what a PSM is though.

        Debian on virtual pc...sounds like you're asking for trouble...

        Any apache configuration issues are the fault of your apache configuration - there's nothing we can do about that.  Perhaps you need to browse directly to /phppgamdin/index.php ?

        As for the blank frame, it could be javascript being disabled, an old browser or perhaps a PHP error of some sort.  It'd be worth checking your PHP error logs, or finding if there is some error...  You need PHP 4.1 at least for phpPgAdmin IIRC


    • growbag

      growbag - 2005-02-01

      > 7.2 supports triggers and transactions - I don't know what a PSM is though.
      Persistent Stored Module, ie. Stored Procedure.

      > Debian on virtual pc...sounds like you're asking for trouble...
      Works fine actually :o)
      No need for dual booting or second PCs.
      It sits in a single file (virtual harddrive) so you can back the whole thing up in less than a minute.

      > As for the blank frame, it could be javascript being disabled
      Could well be, but I've reverted to 2.4 now. Friday deadline and I just can't afford any more side tracks.

      Thanks for your help

      • Christopher Kings-Lynne

        Well, you could have just done the whole thing using 'psql' by now really...

    • Gus Constan

      Gus Constan - 2005-05-07

      Anyone know how to turn security and login off completely for phppgadmin?

      I'm using htaccess for controlling access and in any case this login is problematic and doesn't seen to work.



      • Christopher Kings-Lynne

        Quick answer - no.


    • Gus Constan

      Gus Constan - 2005-05-09

      Thanks Christopher;
      I'm giving up on postgres, it seems disfunctional along with phpPgAdmin. I like programs that work the first time around. Both postgresql and this program are lacking in utility, particularily the ability to administer an initial installation. One would think the client running phpPgAdmin should have nothing to do with permissions as it should be user based and access to the service server-side should be from localhost.
      This program is disfunctional and perhaps the authors should have a look at phpMyAdmin for guidance.


      • Christopher Kings-Lynne

        I'm afraid that if you cannot make the basic attempt to read the postgresql setup manual, ask a basic question on the postgresql irc channel, email one of the postgresql mailing lists, and have any sort of basic understanding of security, users, database or Unix, then I have fundamentally zero sympathy for you.

        Good day.


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