
0 (null) as first-level item?

  • sven7

    sven7 - 2004-08-30

    >parent_id identifies the “father” item; its value >must be 1 for “first-level” items, i.e. for items
    >with hierarchical level = 1, i.e. for children of the >(non-existent) “Top” item;

    is it possible to make top-level starting not from 1 but from 0? so 0 become "non-existent" top-level item and 1,2,.. - visible items?

    • Marco Pratesi

      Marco Pratesi - 2004-08-30

      Please, can you quote in a more readable way? Thanks.

      Starting from 0 would cause problems with MySQL,
      that does not like indexes starting from 0.
      This is the same reason why time ago I stopped using
      indexes = 0 in pgmarket: they did not cause any problem
      with postgres, but, with mysql, if you dump all the database
      and then reimport it, it is a big mess...

      Marco Pratesi


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