
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Whole month I was intending to post this here... finally!

    I've tried and I found that it doesn't work properly for further regions from the autor's one. He is using constants for computing of the distances between the centers of the submaps which obviously work only for regions close to his location. (Hm, If I'm not correct please excuse me.)
    So I found one math forum where very well is explained how to calculate distance between 2 points.
    I've written new perl script on the base of which use and calculate correct distances between two sub maps (understand overlaping!) for any region on the earth.

    Other tempting add on is the generating of "whole map" dhtml file which use the *.gif submaps and fit them together in one big map for the whole downloaded area. Also It allows you to set up your own route and after that to import it in qpegps. The dhtml gives you the distance between 2 way points and the coordinates of every way point. It estimate the total distance of your route(in km). It generate code appropriate for qpegps track file. You just need to copy and paste the code in a new file. After that you can transfer the file into qpegps tracks folder as you want....

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Wow...thanks, nvesel.
      This script works great.  I've tried several of the other
      scripts that have been posted here, and the maps always seem to be off enough that I don't find them really useful.
      With your script, and qpegps on my zaurus C-860, the crosshairs are always dead on.  I have even used map scales around 1:5000 with excellent results.
      (Now it will be worth my time to build a 12v adaptor for the zaurus!)

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I have problems running the script with a proxy.
      Could you add a feature to pass the proxy IP, username and password by command line?
      Or is it easier perhaps to change the script and add those information?


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Go to
        Download LWP version. Open the and look for the string "$ua->proxy"; uncomment the row and fill your valid proxy. If you use user and pass for the proxy look for "$req->proxy_authorization_basic", uncomment it and fill your user and password. Should be work.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Does anyone still have a copy of this script, or a link where it can be downloaded? It seems that the original site is no longer available, and a google for '' turned up nothing.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same again, anyone have a working url to the script ?


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