
Is there a caracter encoding feature ?

  • Nicolas GIF

    Nicolas GIF - 2004-08-12

    Your program is great, i was looking for a free IDE a bit like Quanta+ for ages, and i think i've found it :-).

    I would like to know if Notepad+ can use UTF-8 caracter encoding. Now many document are encoded this way (XML files mostly) and special caracters are shown with 2 ISO-8859-1 caracters (since UTF-8 is 16bit encoded).

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2004-08-12

      Notepad++ dees support the Unicode (UTF-8 and UCS-2) encoding from v2.2.


      • Nicolas GIF

        Nicolas GIF - 2004-08-12

        I'm asking because i've loaded a UTF-8 encoded file, but it was read as ISO-8859-1. How can I change that ?

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2004-08-13

          > i've loaded a UTF-8 encoded file, but it was read as ISO-8859-1

          Do you mean it is displayed as ISO-8859-1?
          Sure, otherwise I don't see how can you edit them.
          But it will be saved as UTF-8 encoded file.


        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2004-08-13

          Ok, Nicolas,

          Indeed, I checked by opening a UTF-8 file.
          in the v2.3 it displays the ISO-8859-1 character.
          Whereas it diplays correctly in v2.2.

          I'll tried to find out where is the problem.


          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2004-08-13

            There's no problem to open the UTF-8 encoding file for v2.3. Could you send me the UTF-8 file to test?



        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2004-08-13

          could you send me your UTF-8 file (zipped) to :
          in order that I can test it? thanks
