
Deluo CF GPS

GPS units
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi there,

    I have just received my $139 Deluo CF GPS and it works great with the Zaurus. Just plug it in and maps to /dev/ttyS3


    PS: Deluo's webpage:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      How dou you map to /dev/ttyS3 permanently? I tried to do in qpeGPS setup bu it wont stay.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Was able to permanently mapped by pressing Enter key at the end, however I still cannot receive and signals on the status page of qpeGPS when using Deluo CF GPS.

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-09-09

        Which PDA/OS/WM combination are You using ?
        Is the "data status" on the GPS-status page OK (both gpsd and GPS?) ?
        Does it display any date ? (if it's wrong, but changing, then the GPS is searching for satellites).
        Are the "names" (numbers) of satellites displayed ?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have a Zaurus sl-5500 running Sharp ROM 3.10 (Jeode Java) VM Linux Kernel 2.4.18 by Sharp. In Data status section, I have a green OK for the gpsd but the rest are red ??? I have never obtained any date nor  time (*noGMT Signal rcvd*). No names or number of satellites are displayed.

      I tried ZGPS application and was able to run with 4+ fixed GPS, which means my Deluo CF GPS card is fuctional.


      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-09-11

        Please try the qtcfgps tool (from Misc... at the qpegps download section).  By using qtcfgps you can verify, if your CF-GPS is switched to NMEA mode and you can perform a factory reset... . The device is in NMEA mode, if it returns ascii sentences like $Gxxx.
        But zGPS may be able to switch between NMEA and SIRF mode as well, I'm not sure about this.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Ralf,

      Thanks for the quick response, I installed qtcfgps tool and did a factory reset. The command written was reading as follows:
      "only - 1 characters written: $PSRF 104,0.0000,0.0000,0,0,384068,811,12,3*2B"
      Also when I press map tab on qpeGPS it exits unless I kill gpsd process it wont loads again.



      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-09-15

        Please start qpeGPS (GPS status tab).
        Then open a terminal (while qpegps is running) and enter "cat /dev/ttyS3". The output should be a lot of $GPxxx sentences. Please post a fraction (one of each sentence or so..) of the output, your qpegps.conf and maps.txt files.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks again for the followup, results from cat /dev/ttyS3 gave the following results as you can see bellow: (I did see any $GPxxx of a like)

      % %5
                )aR%57              ư 4

      % %
               } )aR%             ư 4

      % %
               ళ )aR%             ư 4

      The contents from qpes.config is:

      color] bearing = red heading = green noFix = yellow ok = black textSize = 15
      gpsd = -p /dev/ttyS3 -s 4800
      host = localhost
      port = 2947
      path = /home/QtPalmtop/qpegps/maps
      bearing = 1
      heading = 1
      time = 1
      path = /home/QtPalmtop/qpegps/tracks
      track_thick = 2 updt_freq = 10 [units] altitude = 2 distance = 3 position = 0
      speed = 3
      And finally Maps.txt is:

      FRITZ Wrk2Home.png 10000 405 320

      Thanks a lot.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry! I ment to say (I did not see any $GPxxx of a like) in my posting.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The software seems a bit buggy.  I've discovered that if you are getting $GPxxx when you cat, and the GPS is showing red, just click into the ARGS box and hit ENTER at the end of 4800.  Then it kicks up and starts working. You would think this thing would autoscan.  Not like its that hard to program in.

      Discovered a bunch of bugs.  Like if you click properties with no map name selected the whole program crashes.  The listed maps are useless.  Seems Mickysoft is going around buying up all the free map services.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      After following your sugestions, I see frequent (about every 3 sec)refresh on the Data status page which indicates there are signals coming. It is encouraging at the moment regardless I am not reading any other details on the data status screen apart of a green OK  for the gpsd. Regarding maps you're right, I found out that, by removing the map that the program  crashed on it, I can re-load qpeGPS again without problem. (I 've been using Mapblast to download couple) I don't know if there are other free sources!

      When I put my location or downloaded Lat and Long on the map's properties, I will get an empty map page. I guess I need to find the right maps too.

      Thanks for your dedication on this project!

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-09-22

        Sorry for the late reply.
        The output of your device is not NMEA and it can't work in this mode: If a "factory reset" from qcfgps doesn't switch to NMEA then please try another SW to set the NMEA mode of the unit (can zGPS switch the unit to NMEA mode?).
        About the bugs: Yes, the "enter" after setting the gpsd arguments/hosts... is not nice, but it has low priority, because it's only necessary at the first usage... . And yes, there is no good error handling for missing maps, wrong parameters...,yet.
        Do you have a SourceForge account: Please login, so that I can differ between the users which are posting here.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-09-22

      Hi Ralf,

      I just registered with SourceForge today. I can swith to NMEA within ZGPS, but will not lock GPS as quick as it is within SIRF. I have the feeling maybe the CF I possess is not the right one for qpeGPS. So far, I have'nt found any SW that can match qpGPS potentials (driving & moving map). I will try to check with Deluo, if there was a different CF card with right chipset.
      I bought this one after I red the initial posting from Tito.

      Again, Thank you for the support.


      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-09-23

        qpeGPS supports only the NMEA mode of the devices.
        If your device sends NMEA, it should work.
        It's possible, that zGPS initializes the unit with the last known position if the SIRF mode is used (just a guess, why the GPS lock is faster in SIRF mode).
        Just a note to the GPS lock:
        Several units need very long for a "cold start" (including my CFGPS2 from IO-Data): Usually it is like this: 1.gpsd and GPS is green; 2. date and time is transmitted, but wrong; 3. shortly after one satellite is in view, the date and time is correct; 4.the "search list" for satellites changes until 4 satellites are received => the whole process can take several minutes, even if there is a "clear sky". After the first 3D position fix, it takes only seconds, except you have benn travelling several hundred miles, haven't used the unit for a long time or if you have been using the unit indoors (if the unit is on and can't receive satellites, it resets the internal data and starts from the beginning).

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-09-25

      Hi Ralf,
      According to Deluo my CF supports NMEA 0183 (v2.2) please see the following abstracts which came from their web site, do you think any of the listed properties would hampered its compartibility to work with qpeGPS? If yes, I think it's time for me to get a different one.

      CF Interface:    Ports: One CF COM port, for GPS data transfer

      Electrical level: CF+ card specification

      Communication: Full duplex asynchronous

      Bit Pattern:      8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

      Code type:       ASCII for NMEA/ Binary for SiRF

      Position Datum: WGS-84

      GPS Protocol:    SiRF binary/NMEA 0183 changeable

      GPS Function:   SiRF binary >> position, velocity,   altitude, status and control

      GPS transfer rate: NMEA 0183 (v2.2) >> GGA,    GSA,GSV, RMC, VTG, and GLL
      NMEA ASCII 4800bps
      SiRF Binary Software command    setting: default 19200 bps



    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-12-23

      Hi all,

      I am happy to report that I have a working unit now. After exhausting all the possibilities I decided to check with Deluo, and they suggested my unit was defective so I sent it back and I received a replacement today and it just worked straigt up!
      Thanks Ralf for your endless support during my qwest for help.




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