
Russian OpenCYC

  • Anatoly Levenchuk

    And what about other languages then English? Е.g. Russian language OpenCYC project -- not "translator form English to Russian" but creating and using CYC-Ontology in Russian.

    Will it work with current OpenCyc software?

    We want to try use OpenCyc as ontology engine in Russian language related project (NLP approach to NLP -- neuro-linguistic programming approach to natural language processing ;).

    Sorry for my Ruslish,

    • John De Oliveira

      You should be able to do this. We have a GermanLexicalMt in full Cyc (not yet part of OpenCyc) containing almost 5,000 ground atomic formulas (GAFs), mostly using #$denotation and #$posForms. Someone here quickly loaded it, so you should be able to get a start in a similar way. That doesn't help at all with with the language rules affecting parsing. That is something you have to deal with separately.

      In our NL work there is a move toward more and more of this parsing knowledge (including intermediate forms in parsing) existing directly in the KB. As this works its way into OpenCyc, you can take advantage of that as well. I can't give any estimates on when that will become available, though. NL generation is easier than parsing and we are further along with that, so you may benefit from first looking at some of the assertions on #$genTemplate, which predicate is the basis of Cyc's generation capability. Documentation on using #$genTemplate is being worked on and is forthcoming. I suspect #$genTemplate may be made to work for Russian.

      Good Luck,
      John D.

      • Anatoly Levenchuk

        Hi John,
        many thanks for you encouraging message.

        We started discuss possibility of "OpenCyc in Russian" NLP-NLP application at -- sorry, in Russian only. But you have enough russians rambling here around as I see it ;)



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