
OZ 3.2 with SD formated ext2 (64-0 image)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-04-15

    Have installed program to SD but cannot see maps when they are on SD card no matter where I put them.  I am changeing the config directory.  When I put them on a CF card formatted as fat they show up in the program without a problem.

    • Ralf Haselmeier

      Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-16

      I'm using SD and CF cards, too. No Problems, but my SD is formatted to FAT (I'd prefer ext2, but this SD card is shared between the Zaurus and a digital camera). The CF card works with ext2, too. I'm currently using the Sharp ROM 2.38G. But I will soon change to OZ 3.2.
      Just some questions, which may figure out the problem:
      Does it work, if You format the SD card to FAT ? Do other apps run and store/load data from SD ? Did You try it with another ROM version/type ? Is the path to the maps (in the "Config" tab) the real one (=no links) ?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-16

      When I was using the Sharp Rom 2.38 and formatted fat it was working.  Yes, I do load and run other apps to and from the SD card, also saving their data there.  Yes, I have the correct path in the "Config" tab.  On a side note I do not have to have a swap file for the maps to load from the CF card with this setup of OZ, however my GPS is for the CF slot.   This setup of OZ does not let me format as fat and make the Links I need to use the SD as additional memory.

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-16

        Sorry, I don't know what might be the problem. Just some guesses: Might it be a problem with some access permissions ? (on the Sharp ROM it's executed as root, please try to "chmod 666 * "=> write permissions shouldn't be needed for reading, but the app. allows deleting...,too) There is a little bug which causes pathes like qpegps//maps (2 // instead of 1). Until now, this didn't cause a problem. Could You please check, if Your Z accepts this kind of paths ?   If it is still not working, just write me a mail and I'll write a version which prints out the used path/filename string at the start of qpegps.

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-16

        Which picture format are You using ? I don't know if OZ supports GIF or JPG by default (license reasons...). But PNG should always work. Does the map list contain maps ("Info" Tab, Selector on top) or is this list empty, too.

        • Martin Henning

          Martin Henning - 2003-04-16

          what format are the maps in the old map-ipk using? i had that running on a 64-0 OZ without problems... (apart from not being able to download maps from mapblast and still not owning an serial gps-mouse mayself :((  ) anyway, if you dont use colored satelite pictures for navigation, a gif/png conpression should be the most suitable for maps anyway :)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-16

      Maps are in png format.  I can cd to "/mnt/card/opt/QtPalmtop/qpegps//maps/" and do a "ls" and see my list of maps.  In OZ terminal this list is green before "chmod 666 *" (which didn't seem to help) and black after whatever that means.  When maps can't seen the "Info"  tab is blank also.  Thanks for helping guys. 

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-16

      Also I just noticed that changeing to the dir. on the CF card is NOT being saved.  If I exit qpeGPS and return it is back to /mnt/card/opt/QtPalmtop/qpegps/maps.

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-17

        Are other settings stored ? Does the file /home/root/Settings/qpegps.config exist (read/writable)? What does it contain ?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-16

      Created a NEW dir. on SD card of "/mnt/card/maps/" and copied needed files to it.  NO good!     Problem seams to be with the SD card and not a directory.  File Manager does NOT seem to have a problem.

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-17

        I'll send You a BETA version of qpegps 0.9.1. Please start it in a terminal. If a file access fails, there will be a message which inludes path/filename where qpegps was looking for the file.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-19

      Before you sent the Beta I had reflashed to OZ with a 48-16 image and reformated my SD card with my camera as fat.  OZ still would NOT let me read the map files from the SD.  Reflashed to the Sharp 2.38 rom and again everything works fine, even the SD that OZ 48-16 could not read.  When I have the SD as FAT I use a card reader to copy the files to it.  This is a long holiday (4 days) for us to maybe I will flash back to OZ and try again before it is over, I would really like to use the SD as more of system storage than just file storage.

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-20

        First, I haven't used OZ so far, so I don't know the hints of OZ. Are You always logged in as root (like with the sharp ROM) or are You using a different login ? Have You tried to put the maps in Your home directory (or a subdirectory of it)  ?

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-20

        You mentioned, that the path isn't saved after setting it in config. One difference between the Sharp ROM and OZ is, that OZ stores some configuration files in the Flash ROM. You might try to move the qpegps.conf to Your SD card and just add a link to it. Where does OZ store the qpegps.conf ? (Sharp ROM: /home/root/Settings/)

      • Ralf Haselmeier

        Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-20

        You may try
        # ipkg-link mount /mnt/card
        (/mnt/card or whatever Your moinpoint to the sd card is). I saw this in a mailinglist where some user reported other not working apps (which was caused by several missing links).

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-21

         I want to say thanks again for your help.  I am not very proficent with either Linux or OZ.  I sent a copy of the output of the Beta run from terminal via email from this site.  Not sure if OZ always uses root or not but qpegps.conf is in the "/mnt/card/root/Settings" directory with the 64-0 image and the symlinks made.  This time however I have managed to save the path to the maps and Maps.txt files.

    • Ralf Haselmeier

      Ralf Haselmeier - 2003-04-29

      Solved. qpeGPS 0.9.1 will work with OZ3.2 and an ext2 formated SD card.
      Jim, Thank You for Your patient testing.


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