
7-Zip 4.58 alpha 4

  • Igor Pavlov

    Igor Pavlov - 2008-02-26

    7-Zip 4.58 alpha 4 was released.

    7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:

    7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:

    What's new after 7-Zip 4.57:
    - Some speed optimizations.
    - 7-Zip now can unpack multivolume RAR archives created with
      "old style volume names" scheme and names *.001, *.002, ...
    - Some bugs were fixed.
    - New localizations: Punjabi (Indian), Pashto.

    7-Zip 4.58 alpha 4 also fixes some bugs of version 4.58 alpha 3.

    Don't use this alpha version for important data. Call "Test" command after each compressing operation.

    You can post some benchmark results here for 7-Zip 4.57 / 4.58. Just call:
    7z b
    Write also some information about your CPU: CPU Type/Frequency.

    Notes: LZMA decoder was rewritten. So please try "test" command for your .7z archives.

    • IkisDoka

      IkisDoka - 2008-02-26

      Processors Information

      Processor 1 (ID = 0)
      Number of cores        2 (max 2)
      Number of threads    2 (max 2)
      Name            Intel Core 2 Duo E6550
      Codename        Conroe
      Specification        Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6550  @ 2.33GHz
      Package            Socket 775 LGA (platform ID = 0h)
      CPUID            6.F.B
      Extended CPUID        6.F
      Core Stepping        G0
      Technology        65 nm
      Core Speed        2658.6 MHz (7.0 x 379.8 MHz)
      Rated Bus speed        1519.2 MHz
      Stock frequency        2333 MHz
      Instructions sets    MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, EM64T
      L1 Data cache        2 x 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
      L1 Instruction cache    2 x 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
      L2 cache        4096 KBytes, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
      FID/VID Control        yes
      FID range        6.0x - 7.0x
      max VID            1.350 V
      Features        XD, VT

      7-Zip 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06

      RAM size:    2047 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    3025   126   2333   2943  |    38031   186   2109   3917
      23:    2951   123   2447   3007  |    35357   179   2060   3691
      24:    2868   129   2397   3084  |    34973   180   2050   3699
      25:    2794   129   2478   3190  |    34259   182   2016   3671
      Avr:          127   2414   3056               182   2059   3744
      Tot:          154   2236   3400

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    2047 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    3132   133   2292   3047  |    45714   176   2679   4708
      23:    3241   137   2403   3302  |    44856   186   2520   4683
      24:    3219   141   2460   3461  |    44418   189   2490   4697
      25:    3117   140   2544   3559  |    43932   181   2602   4707
      Avr:          138   2425   3342               183   2573   4699
      Tot:          160   2499   4021


      HITCHER - 2008-02-26

      AMD K7 Barton XP-3200+ (2,2 GHZ), Nforce2 Ultra400, 2*512MB DDR1-400 Dualchannel, OS=W2K

      C:\Programme\7-Zip>start /B /HIGH 7z b -mmt2

      7-Zip 4.57 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06

      RAM size: 1023 MB, # CPU hardware threads: 1
      RAM usage: 425 MB, # Benchmark threads: 2

      Dict Compressing | Decompressing
      Speed Usage R/U Rating | Speed Usage R/U Rating
      KB/s % MIPS MIPS | KB/s % MIPS MIPS

      22: 1487 99 1455 1446 | 18513 99 1926 1906
      23: 1405 99 1443 1431 | 18081 99 1898 1887
      24: 1314 99 1425 1412 | 17691 98 1906 1871
      25: 1223 99 1417 1397 | 17632 99 1905 1889
      Avr: 99 1435 1422 99 1909 1888
      Tot: 99 1672 1655

      H:\tmp>start /B /HIGH 7z.exe b -mmt2

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    1023 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    1566    99   1532   1523
      H:\tmp>  |    21498   100   2225   2214
      23:    1492    99   1533   1520  |    21229   100   2226   2216
      24:    1386   100   1495   1491  |    20968   100   2226   2217
      25:    1293   100   1482   1476  |    20601   100   2218   2207
      Avr:           99   1511   1503               100   2224   2214
      Tot:          100   1867   1858


      HITCHER - 2008-02-26

      AM2 X2-4600+ (@stock speed 2,4 GHZ ), 2 GB DDR2-800 dualchannel RAM, OS=XP-x64

      C:\temp\457>7z b -mmt4

      7-Zip 4.57 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06

      RAM size: 2047 MB, # CPU hardware threads: 2
      RAM usage: 850 MB, # Benchmark threads: 4

      Dict Compressing | Decompressing
      Speed Usage R/U Rating | Speed Usage R/U Rating
      KB/s % MIPS MIPS | KB/s % MIPS MIPS

      22: 3697 194 1849 3597 | 44484 200 2295 4579
      23: 3631 196 1888 3699 | 43927 200 2297 4583
      24: 3496 199 1887 3759 | 43593 200 2304 4609
      25: 3362 198 1942 3838 | 42884 200 2302 4594
      Avr: 197 1892 3723 200 2299 4591
      Tot: 198 2096 4157

      C:\Program Files\7-Zip>7z b -mmt4

      7-Zip [64] 4.57 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06

      RAM size: 2047 MB, # CPU hardware threads: 2
      RAM usage: 850 MB, # Benchmark threads: 4

      Dict Compressing | Decompressing
      Speed Usage R/U Rating | Speed Usage R/U Rating
      KB/s % MIPS MIPS | KB/s % MIPS MIPS

      22: 4260 197 2105 4144 | 48538 200 2501 4996
      23: 4348 200 2220 4430 | 47676 199 2496 4975
      24: 4041 198 2199 4345 | 47203 200 2498 4991
      25: 3909 198 2253 4463 | 46432 199 2498 4974
      Avr: 198 2194 4345 199 2498 4984
      Tot: 199 2346 4665

      C:\temp\458a4>7z.exe b -mmt4

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    2047 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    850 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      4

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    4003   200   1947   3894  |    51876   200   2669   5339
      23:    3871   199   1979   3944  |    51129   199   2675   5335
      24:    3746   200   2015   4027  |    50484   200   2669   5338
      25:    3585   200   2048   4093  |    49739   200   2666   5328
      Avr:          200   1997   3990               200   2670   5335
      Tot:          200   2334   4662

      C:\Program Files\7-Zip>7z.exe b -mmt4

      7-Zip [64]  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    2047 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    850 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      4

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    4473   199   2185   4351  |    55706   200   2871   5734
      23:    4330   199   2220   4412  |    54978   199   2876   5737
      24:    4168   199   2250   4482  |    53848   199   2857   5693
      25:    3938   199   2256   4496  |    53197   200   2855   5699
      Avr:          199   2228   4435               199   2865   5716
      Tot:          199   2546   5075

    • NoAngel

      NoAngel - 2008-02-26 - some benchmarks there.

      And for new version (tested 4.58 alpha 4 x64 under Vista Ultimate x64 SP1 RTM on C2Quad 2.4@3.0/4GB DDR2-800 5-5-5-15):

      >7z b -mmt8

      7-Zip [64]  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    4094 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   4
      RAM usage:   1701 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      8

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    9696   358   2633   9433  |   122088   363   3461  12562
      23:    9667   378   2604   9849  |   130044   392   3456  13566
      24:    9088   372   2630   9772  |   127801   392   3451  13511
      25:    8871   382   2648  10128  |   124108   389   3413  13295
      Avr:          373   2629   9795               384   3445  13233
      Tot:          378   3037  11514

      Best regards,

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2008-02-26

      ipavlov 2 issues. First of all please associate 7zip with only .rar file extension not r01, r02 etc because in a multipart archive icons for all files are the same and if you click any other file (r20 etc) to extract only the part in that file is extracted. Also .0001 extension needs to be associated with 7z when selecting rar

    • NoAngel

      NoAngel - 2008-02-27

      P4-M 1.8/512M DDR1-266 6-3-3-2.5/Windows 2000 Pro SP4

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:     510 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:     792    96    800    771  |     8497    99    881    875
      23:     798    98    827    813  |     8417   100    882    878
      24:     779    99    850    837  |     8311   100    881    879
      25:     743    97    875    849  |     8227   100    882    881
      Avr:           98    838    818               100    882    878
      Tot:           99    860    848

    • Michael Richter

      Michael Richter - 2008-02-27

      Some Benchmarks:

      ######_ Pentium M 1,7GHz (Dothan) / 2x512MB DDR-333 _######

      7-Zip 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06

      RAM size:    1023 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    1408   100   1374   1369  |    14138   100   1456   1456
      23:    1383   100   1411   1409  |    14011   100   1464   1462
      24:    1334   100   1441   1434  |    13825   100   1462   1462
      25:    1294    99   1485   1477  |    13641   100   1462   1461
      Avr:          100   1428   1422               100   1461   1460
      Tot:          100   1444   1441

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    1023 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    425 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      2

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    1432   100   1398   1393  |    16479   100   1699   1697
      23:    1395    99   1433   1421  |    16269   100   1700   1698
      24:    1369   100   1479   1472  |    16054   100   1698   1698
      25:    1317    99   1516   1504  |    15799   100   1693   1692
      Avr:           99   1456   1448               100   1697   1696
      Tot:          100   1577   1572

      ######_ Core Duo T2250 / 2x1GB DDR2-667 _######

      7-Zip 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06

      RAM size:    2037 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    850 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      4

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    2716   198   1331   2642  |    29013   198   1506   2986
      23:    2628   198   1354   2678  |    28433   197   1504   2967
      24:    2545   198   1382   2737  |    28145   199   1497   2976
      25:    2440   197   1413   2786  |    27770   199   1495   2975
      Avr:          198   1370   2711               198   1501   2976

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    2037 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    850 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      4

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    2802   197   1385   2726  |    33967   199   1758   3496
      23:    2688   199   1378   2739  |    33312   198   1755   3476
      24:    2589   198   1405   2784  |    32896   199   1744   3478
      25:    2477   198   1428   2829  |    32204   198   1740   3450
      Avr:          198   1399   2769               199   1749   3475
      Tot:          198   1574   3122

      ######_ Core 2 Duo E6400 / 2x1GB DDR2-800 _######

      7-Zip 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06

      RAM size:    2046 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    850 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      4

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    4038   199   1972   3928  |    40119   199   2078   4129
      23:    3920   198   2019   3994  |    39528   199   2073   4124
      24:    3785   197   2063   4070  |    38976   199   2072   4121
      25:    3625   197   2105   4139  |    38497   199   2074   4124
      Avr:          198   2040   4033               199   2074   4125
      Tot:          198   2057   4079

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    2046 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   2
      RAM usage:    850 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      4

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:    4070   198   1995   3959  |    46974   198   2436   4835
      23:    3920   198   2015   3994  |    46244   198   2439   4825
      24:    3772   197   2053   4055  |    45155   197   2423   4774
      25:    3619   197   2100   4132  |    44939   198   2426   4814
      Avr:          198   2041   4035               198   2431   4812
      Tot:          198   2236   4424

    • NoAngel

      NoAngel - 2008-02-28

      Igor, if it's possible please add small change to archive information dialog. In the field "Packed Size: xxxxxxxx bytes" it will be nice to see "Packed Size: xxxxxxxx bytes(<compression ratio in format #0[.00]>%)".

      Best regards,

    • Berke Viktor

      Berke Viktor - 2008-02-28

      sempron le-1200 + 1gb ram

      7-Zip [64] 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06

      RAM size:    1023 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    419 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      1

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:     737   100    719    717  |    20205   100   2081   2081
      23:     715   100    729    729  |    19492   100   2034   2035
      24:     692   100    744    744  |    18733   100   1981   1981
      25:     668   100    765    763  |    17908   100   1918   1918
      Avr:          100    739    738               100   2004   2004
      Tot:          100   1371   1371

      7-Zip [64]  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:    1023 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    419 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      1

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:     758   100    737    737  |    23217   100   2390   2391
      23:     732   100    746    746  |    22220   100   2320   2319
      24:     702   100    755    755  |    21141   100   2235   2236
      25:     674   100    772    769  |    20142   100   2158   2158
      Avr:          100    753    752               100   2276   2276
      Tot:          100   1514   1514

      • HITCHER

        HITCHER - 2008-02-28

        it looks strange that this new CPU is slower than 4 year old K7 XP 3200+

        I thought it should be about 20% faster than that.

        • Igor Pavlov

          Igor Pavlov - 2008-02-28

          Some combinations of 65nm AMD K8 CPU + some motherboards + some versions of BIOS give very bad results for random memory access (some TLB problem). So the compression speed can be very low. That performance loss is similar to performance loss of AMD K10 with BIOS TLB Patch.
          For example, look at WinRar's results of Athlon 64 X2 here:

          Some users restore good performance when they upload old version of BIOS to motherboard:

        • Berke Viktor

          Berke Viktor - 2008-02-28

          as long as it works i'm not interested about speed :)

          only low power usage and stability matter for me. and i wouldn't call this pc slow, not at all...

          • HITCHER

            HITCHER - 2008-02-28

            does this CPU really run at 2.1 GHZ? check with CPU-Z:
            If BIOS settings are wrong, it's possible that this CPU only wors at 1750 MHZ or something like that.

            • Berke Viktor

              Berke Viktor - 2008-03-06

              yes it does.

    • Vacon

      Vacon - 2008-03-06

      Hello everyone,

      tested with
      AMD Athlon XP (Palomino) 1700+ at 1466,5 real clocks
      Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600], SP3 RC1
      (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

      C:\Windows\Temp\7-Zip>7z b

      7-Zip  4.58 alpha 4  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2008-02-26

      RAM size:     511 MB,  # CPU hardware threads:   1
      RAM usage:    419 MB,  # Benchmark threads:      1

      Dict        Compressing          |        Decompressing
            Speed Usage    R/U Rating  |    Speed Usage    R/U Rating
             KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS  |     KB/s     %   MIPS   MIPS

      22:     571    93    598    555  |    12004   100   1239   1236
      23:     588    94    634    599  |    11828    87   1418   1234
      24:     540    97    600    581  |    11468    99   1226   1212
      25:     495    99    573    565  |     9297    82   1219    996
      Avr:           96    601    575                92   1275   1170
      Tot:           94    938    872


      Best regards!


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