
Semicuro on Debian (actually a java problem)

  • Werner Höhrer

    Werner Höhrer - 2007-01-05

    I'm trying to run semicuro in Debian unstable and really have some problems (in general) with the various Java engines.

    For example when i use gij-wrapper-4.1 as java engine i get the following error:

    java -Xms20480000 -jar semicuro.jar
    localeID: de_DE
    size: 1
    Exception during event dispatch:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.semicuro.core.Utils
       at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
       at org.semicuro.ui.SCDialog.setupPrimaryLayout(
       at org.semicuro.ui.SCDialog.<init>(
       at org.semicuro.ui.LocaleSelectionDialog.<init>(
       at org.semicuro.core.Semicuro.configureLocale(
       at org.semicuro.core.Semicuro.<init>(
       at org.semicuro.core.SC_MAIN$
       at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
       at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed at PC 13 in org.semicuro.core.Utils:formatString((Ljava.lang.String;[Ljava.lang.Object;)Ljava.lang.String;): incompatible type on stack
       at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
       ...9 more

    When using the sun engine i get some different error, but i really hate installing it at all sicne it never worked quite that well :-/

    Anybody out there got semicuro to run on Debian? And if so: what setup did you use?


    • jim

      jim - 2007-01-06

      This is the second time I've seen this error (the other is in a bug report in the tracker). It suggests that there might be something wrong with your classpath, but as far as I know, this really shouldn't be a problem if all the paths are specified correctly in the MANIFEST document inside the jar file. I'm puzzled by this one.

    • Werner Höhrer

      Werner Höhrer - 2007-01-06

      Oh, i didn't see the bug-tracker for this one.

      I just made a small test by setting my locale setting to en_US and now it produces a different set up errors. :(

      $ LC_ALL=en_US
      $ java -Xms20480000 -jar semicuro.jar
      localeID: en_US
      size: 1
      Exception during event dispatch:
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.semicuro.core.Utils
         at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
         at org.semicuro.core.Semicuro.<init>(
         at org.semicuro.core.SC_MAIN$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
      Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed at PC 13 in org.semicuro.core.Utils:formatString((Ljava.lang.String;[Ljava.lang.Object;)Ljava.lang.String;): incompatible type on stack
         at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
         ...5 more

      Is there a way to debug this stuff? I'm not very skilled in java, but i could give it a try.


    • jim

      jim - 2007-01-07

      Werner - before I started debugging, I'd be tempted to try uninstalling gcj, and installing Sun's SDK to see if that makes any difference. You may not even have to uninstall gcj, as long as you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the correct location.


    • Werner Höhrer

      Werner Höhrer - 2007-01-08

      Uninstalling gcj is not really a good option since openoffice somehow depends on it and is therefore uninstalled as well :-/

      I'll try installing the sun jre again (as soon as i get to my comp again), but iirc the sun-jre gave me errors as well (I dunno if they where the same though).


    • Werner Höhrer

      Werner Höhrer - 2007-01-08

      Oh btw - if you send me a version with debug-output (or are there any in the normal version?) I could try producing some nice outputs.


    • Werner Höhrer

      Werner Höhrer - 2007-01-08

      The strange thing is .. now that i re-installed sun-jre everything works just fine ... maybe one of the other engines I've had installed caused the troubles after all.

      The only strange thing i have left is that sometimes the brush will produce cyan/blue colors .. not directly reproduceable, but regularly.

      Thanks for your tip with the reinstall,

    • jim

      jim - 2007-01-08

      Werner - glad you got it working. As for the debug output - there aren't that many debug output statements in the code yet - during development I typically relied out printing to the console, but this output was removed as soon as debugging was complete. The logging facility is there, however, and I anticipate making greater use of it as development continues. For now I rely on stack traces and detailed user feedback. : )

      If you could keep an eye on the cyan/blue color problem to see if there's any common set of circumstances that cause it to happen, I'll look into it.


    • Werner Höhrer

      Werner Höhrer - 2007-01-09

      I couldn't reproduce the blue patterns under Windows yet, only Debian.



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