
Survey: Post-processing tools

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  • Alberto

    Alberto - 2005-05-29

    The OpenFlower Team needs your feedback!
    What output format would you like to be implemented in OpenFlower? Tecplot? OpenDX? ParaView?
    Please post your opinion and your choice in this thread.
    Thank you!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I would like to see OpenDX and Paraview! I think both are pretty powerfull...


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I would like to see OpenDX and Paraview since both are very powerfull and for free ...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ParaView works for me!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Tecplot would be great. 

    • Ricardo Reis

      Ricardo Reis - 2005-06-01

      Following an OpenSource aproach I would vote Paraview and Mayavi. The enlargment of user base generally translates, in an OpenSource perspective to better software...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      EnSight. Really is there a better tool?  Yes, it is not open source or free.  But its worth the money for serious CFD. 

      If I'm just playing around then EnSight is not necessary. 

      • Ricardo Reis

        Ricardo Reis - 2005-06-01

        "Really is there a better tool? Yes, it is not open source or free"

        Has I see you have two options (regarding this specific question):
        - just use what is best in the market, regardless of origin and so on
        - You don't have the best tool yet but you're willing to cooperate to achieve it. This is my option and my push for open source (not necessarily *gratis*).

        And what is meant by "If I'm just playing around then EnSight is not necessary. "? Can't really understand that. How can you encompass a so big world of visualization and post-processing as in CFD by just one standard/program? Can't really understand that...

        Ricardo Reis

        • Alberto

          Alberto - 2005-06-01

          There are many post-processing tools comparable to Ensight.

          Personally, I never used it, just tried sometime, and I always did my post-processing using other tools.

          However, this is not the place to start a "war" between open source and commercial software. The purpose of this survey is just to know what are the preferred post-processing tools in the OpenFlower community.

          P.S. I'd choose paraview and opendx :-)


    • Roberto J. Junior


      -Post-preocessing tools like paraview and mayavi -- with any ''modern'' and supported formats, like VTK but not .3dplot ones ;-) --  would be great.

      -I don't  use opendx, but more the better (?) :-).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Tecplot format will be good addition. It is not free, but our Uni has it.

    • Alberto

      Alberto - 2005-06-12

      Here are the results (anyone can vote only once):

      Paraview - 5 votes
      MayaVi - 2 votes
      OpenDX - 2 votes 
      Tecplot - 2 votes
      Ensight - 1 vote

      Any other who want to vote? :-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I always used tecplot, but now I'm discovering Paraview, and it seems a powerful postprocessing tool, and furthermore is open source.

      Therefore VTK data format supported by paraview and mayavi is the best output format for OpenFlower.

      Does exist in internet some manual or tutorial about paraview?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-06-24

      I'd like to use OpenDX, ParaView & mayaVi.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OpenDX would be great.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Paraview, Tecplot, Ensight in that order.
      Tecplot=fast graphs, many cfd programs have this format
      Ensight= powerful but cumbersome

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ParaView is my choice. ParaView succeeded in achieving its objective as a dirstributed open source visualisation package. Here are the objective:
          *  Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application.
          * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets.
          * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface.
          * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      paraview and opendx

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      In my opinion, VTK file format for paraview or for any in house code is the best and most popular choice.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I like VTK file format, HDF or NetCDF. Thanks.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      1. paraview
      2. mayavi
      3. opendx

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      1st choice - Tecplot
      2nd choice - OpenDX
      3rd choice - Paraview

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I think gmsh is more than enough. The project should focus on the numerical aspects, because this is already a lot of work.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      1 Tecplot
      2 Paraview

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      1- Tecplot
      2- OpenDX
      3- Paraview

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