
tale of woes

  • Rowland Penny

    Rowland Penny - 2008-05-14

    I downloaded and installed the Postfixadmin .deb and went to /var/www/ and didn't find Postfixadmin, finally found it it in /usr/share/. I then altered as required and then tried to find DATABASE_MYSQL.TXT, it was not there!. Never mind I thought, I have a copy somewhere, used this and setup the database. I then browsed to http://myserver/postfixadmin to find all sorts of problems and that postfixadmin couldn't login. I then tried to connect to link to install.txt, no good, I then found that I did not have install.txt in  /usr/share/postfixadmin/.

    I then, after some thought, downloaded and extracted the tar file, I then found that either you do not get all the files with the .deb or they are put into somewhere other than /usr/share/postfixadmin/.

    I then followed the instructions in install.txt and tried to setup the database again, I decided the quickest way was to purge mysql and start again. I then created the user and granted him privileges (or so I thought), I still could not create the database from the webpage!. I had entered the command as per the instructions: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `postfix` . * TO 'postfix'@'localhost'; I actually thought this should probably be: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `postfix`.* TO 'postfix'@'localhost'; but when I tried this it still didn't work.

    Installed phpmyadmin and examined 'user' in the mysql database, all privileges for the user 'postfix' were set to to N, I reset them all to Y and tried again, IT still did not work, finally after reading and install.txt several times, I realised what the problem was , install.txt says to create a user called postfix and the user in the supplied is POSTFIXADMIN, I changed this to postfix and away we go, reloaded the webpage, the database got created and it asked me to create a superadmin, entered and got "the EMAIL is not valid". I then entered a totally bogus email address, this was accepted, I am now up and and running (I hope)

    • GingerDog

      GingerDog - 2008-05-15

      glad to hear it finally worked; I've updated to help people in the future (if they're using svn or 2.2.0+)


    • Odd Henriksen

      Odd Henriksen - 2008-05-17

      The .deb package installs the documentation files (like install.txt etc.) to /usr/share/doc/postfixadmin, as you can see by running a "dpkg --contents filename.deb".


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