
MP4 file by HD1 over 2GB

  • fujiishosha

    fujiishosha - 2006-11-24

    First of all, I'm sorry but I didn't know here and posted the same thing in tracker.
    I have a mp4 clip at 1280x720 made by Sanyo DMX-HD1, and its size is over 2.4GB without a pause.
    Mp4Cam2AVI seems to convert it to DivX AVI file but it doesn't stop converting even after around end of the file.
    When it reffers the file for converting, status reads 'ERROR moov atom not found' appears.
    I am sure the mp4 file itself can be played on QuickTime or VLC.
    Is there any measure to avoid this problem?

    • Oleg Mikheev

      Oleg Mikheev - 2006-12-14

      I think it's due to Delphi integer limitation.
      Anyway, I need to get such clip, but it's too big for e-mail.
      Only if I'll find a friend with Sanyo HD1 and 4Gb card...

    • fujiishosha

      fujiishosha - 2006-12-22

      Thanks for your advice.

      If you have a time and relatively fast network, can you try following file?

      additionally, in connection with this problem, newest version of MP4Cam2Avi failes
      to split output file into under 2048MB and continues to output over 3GB.
      And 'stop' botton doesn't work and close MP4Cam2Avi and i tried playing file but
      player says it has illegal format and stops.
      For your refference, OS is Windows XP Professional SP2 Japanese version and the PC
      is ThinkPad G41 with Pentium4 3.06GHz and memory 2GB on it.


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