
"Response file" error

  • Alexander Burke

    Alexander Burke - 2004-07-30

    I get this from G3 when I click a .torrent link in IE then click Open:

    "Response file --responsefile contains invalid data".

    • motronic88

      motronic88 - 2004-08-01

      I get the same. The only ay I've found to overcome the problem is to save the torrent and load it from withing G3.

      • Sebastian Mack

        Sebastian Mack - 2004-09-08

        me too postings suck but... me too!
        Every other client works :( But I like my g3torrent - pleeease cure my baby :D

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-08-01

      Same problem here. Actually i got it with 0.998 as well and went back to 0.997 because that one never gave me any problems.
      Hope this will get fixed in the next release. Keep up the good work!

    • etc

      etc - 2004-08-02

      i think you are having problems with your brousers cache
      or the site you are using is overloaded
      usually this error comes to me when i try to access
      a .torrent at a very slow overloaded tracker
      then i just use a download manager to get the .torrent file and then put it in g3

    • Joost

      Joost - 2004-08-19

      The response by "etc - aretecte" is incorrect. That is not the cause. I'm having this problem as well, and never had it before when I used BitTornado. Not one torrent will open when I double click on it.

    • Joost

      Joost - 2004-08-21

      Just reinstalled g3torrent, and now it works fine. Weird...

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-09-17

      I noticed the same thing (assuming you mean the 'torrent contains invalid data' message). It turned out to be that the site was detecting that I'd downloading the torrent file then run g3torrent on my local copy - instead of a valid torrent file I was getting an HTML file that said it thought that someone had copied the torrent file to another site. Simply sending the torrent file to g3torrent directly eliminated the problem.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-09-22


      it's to do with the file association of g3.  I have had the same problems a few times.  If you look at the default 'open' for the torrent filetype the 'Application to perfrom this action:' should be:
      "C:\Program Files\g3torrent\g3torrent.exe" "%1"

      but when you press the 'associate' button in prefs it changes it to this (all one line):
      "C:\Program files\g3torrent\g3torrent.exe"--responsefile "%1"

      You just need to remove '--responsefile' and everything should be fine.

      It seems to be a bug in the 'associate' button in prefs.


    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-09-22

      Oh and I am talking about the message posted by 'alexburke' where the error "Response file --responsefile contains invalid data" is given.


    • Brian J. Mason

      Brian J. Mason - 2004-09-25

      Thanks a lot doc! I was having the same problem with RC1, fixing the line for the file association in windows as you listed above worked great! I hope they get the association button fixed by v1.0

    • tstarks

      tstarks - 2004-09-27

      Can anyone please give me a step by step on how to check a defualt open type of an application in windows xp. I tried to do the right click and properties thing but it only allows me to check what is the default program for opening it and not the exact command line.

    • tstarks

      tstarks - 2004-09-27

      never mind I finally figured out that it was a registry key :D. For future reference just open up regedit (run-->regedit) and search for "responsefile" then just edit the entry like d0c pointed out above.

    • d0c 54v4g3

      d0c 54v4g3 - 2004-09-29

      Hey tstarks,
      Just in case people aren't familiar with regedit ;)

      Finding the default 'open' for the .torrent filetype:
      Open an explorer window then from the menu bar select 'Tools'->'Folder Options' then the 'File Types' tab. 

      Then look in the list of 'Registered file types' for .TORRENT (might show up as 'TOR...'), select it, click the 'Advanced' button.

      Then look in the 'Actions:' list and edit the 'open' action and remove the --responsefile as mentioned earlier in this thread.

      It's more or less the same for 98/ME etc.

      Hope that was clear... it's late here. ;)



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